Grandma Rosiepuff

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She sighed as the baby whimpered again, quickly picking him up and holding him close.

"Now, now, sugar's sleepy time.." she cooed.

Branch clung to her and shook his head silently, she sighed, not knowing how to get him to sleep.

"Do you want your milk?"

Branch shook his head, "Flo Flo!"

She winced, "I know, I know..I want Floyd's okay, baby, shhhh.."

The baby fussed and whined, he wants his brother and he wants him now!

Rosiepuff took in a sharp breath when she saw tears fill the baby's eyes.

"No, don't cry! Please don't cry!"

Branch tried to hold back his tears, feeling terrible that his Grandma was asking him not too.

A few tears slipped down his face.

She sighed and bounced the fussing baby, "Please, sweetheart, you're already sleepy, you don't need to add being fussy on that..."

Branch whined, but he did settle down, she's right, he does feel extra sleepy...

She smiled a bit and kissed his forehead, "There we go, baby.."

Branch yawned and relaxed, cudling up to her.

She began to hum, it's a lullaby that Floyd made for Branch.

She felt little tears hit her shoulder, Branch obviously remembers this lullaby.

She nearly stopped humming, but he went limp, fast asleep.

She smiled sadly and layed Branch in his crib, "Goodnight, baby, sweet dreams.."

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