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On their way to save Floyd, Clay and Viva stuck together like glue.

Both of them unintentionally parenting Branch who just refused to fall asleep.

Viva had reunited with Creek who had been overjoyed when he saw her.

Creek seemed to hate Clay but also respect him greatly.

The hate was on Branch's behalf, the youngest wasn't exactly in the right state of mind all the time, which had been extremely concerning to learn.

But the respect was for being there for Viva when she needed him, he could understand that.

He respected Creek, but he can't like him or trust him just yet.

The last time he had followed Viva's lead and trusted a random troll, they had nearly gotten killed.

Poppy looked a bit upset, like she had gotten into big trouble.

And she had.

Viva had scolded her for manipulating Branch into forgetting who she was, wiping her from his mind.

Poppy could understand why, but she didn't like it.

Tiny Diamond was just listening in to any drama he could hear as he drove, not bothering to state his own opinion.

The last time he tried, he had been shushed and told to keep driving.

He understood why, it was none of his business.

JD was looking through old picture books that literally had millions of pictures of Baby Branch.

He shared the books with Clay and Bruce, both of them had missed the baby greatly.

As they all looked through the books, Branch layed on their laps with droopy eyes, barely staying awake.

Branch is mostly just thinking about how they would save Floyd.

Johnny said he was in a Diamond prison, so lifting it was definitely out of the question, it would weigh a lot.

He also said that when he threw bombs at it, they didn't even leave a scratch!

But they also can't risk singing the Perfect Family Harmony in the dressing room where Floyd is.

From what JD had said, they're keeping him in the dressing room, nobody could hear Floyd when he screamed due to his voice being muffled by the diamond.

But that might mean their voices would be heard by Velvet and Veneer if they tried to do the Harmony with Floyd in the dressing room.

Which might not be a problem to most, but if they walk in while the Harmony is going on, it's gonna get cut off and they won't be able to finish it and save Floyd.

So that's off the table.

Branch whined and rolled onto his stomach, screaming into a pillow.

The older three glanced at eachother when they heard the frustrated scream.

They had no idea what could make the sleepy boy so upset right now, but it obviously wasn't good.

Nome of them had the heart to question him about it right now either.

So Branch was left alone to his thoughts.

But eventually, he wasn't able to think about it any longer, they had arrived.

That was when he spoke up, "We should go through the vents. They'll keep us hidden, then we can go to the red carpet, if that's what they have? Whatever, what I mean is, we- oh! Better idea, we just go to the entrance of the Rage dome. If we do that, we can all stay together and we won't have to leave Rhonda."

Sleepy BranchWhere stories live. Discover now