Poisonous love

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In the dance of hearts entwined, we find a tale of paradox, a symphony of souls aflame yet encased in frost. A celestial collision, akin to fire and ice, we stand as cosmic opposites, intertwined in a celestial waltz.

A love so fervent, it resonates like the sweetest sonnet, yet beneath the surface, a poignant truth unveils itself. We, like volatile elements, are a concoction of passion and peril, an alchemy of desire and danger.

In the tender embrace of our fervor, we become the architects of our own undoing, entangled in a tapestry of ecstasy and agony. Each caress, a delicate brushstroke on the canvas of our shared destiny, a masterpiece painted in hues of longing and lament.

As we succumb to the allure of our forbidden union, we recognize the toxicity that courses through our veins. A fatal elixir, where love and poison converge, leaving us breathless in the intoxicating whirlwind of our ardor.

Yet, in the shadow of our inherent discord, we cannot deny the magnetic force that binds us. A cosmic pull that defies reason and embraces the sublime chaos of our connection. For in the crucible of our divergent natures, a love blooms, hauntingly beautiful, as if our very existence thrives on the brink of blissful annihilation.

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