No More Shadows (Buggy/OC) (One Shot)

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Reina's hands quivered uncontrollably, desperate to erase the torrent of tears cascading down her fevered cheeks. Her gaze, empty and lost, fixated upon the dazzling assortment of gleaming swords adorning her humble market stall. The sharp tang of polished steel invaded her nostrils, intensifying the oppressive heaviness compressing her chest. Within her, a delicate glass vase of a heart shattered into countless fragments under the weight of her ex-boyfriend's callous words, leaving an indelible scar on her wounded soul.

Her feelings were so overwhelming that she didn't even notice the door to her shop opening.

"Hey Sweet Cheeks, what knives you got for me today?!"

She looked up to see Buggy the Clown, her longtime friend, standing before her. He sauntered his way into the shop with his chest puffed out with pride. "Ya know I only require the best knives from the best girl!"

"Hey, Buggy..." Reina sniffled, trying to regain some semblance of composure.

Buggy noticed her tear-stained face and his smug expression softened.

"What's wrong, babe?"

"It's... it's over between me and him," she choked out, fresh tears threatening to spill.

Buggy's eyes softened, and he reached out to place a comforting hand on her shoulder. "I'm sorry, Sweet Cheeks."

Reina couldn't hold back any longer. She collapsed into Buggy's arms, her body wracked with sobs. "It hurts so much, Buggy. I don't know what to do."

Buggy, attempting to be the hero, whispered with a smirk, "Don't worry, sweetheart. Want me to kill him? Just give me the signal."

Amidst Reina's wailing, she shook her head vehemently. "Seriously, Buggy? Not the time for your punchlines."

With a deadpan expression, Buggy insisted, "I'm dead serious, no jokes intended."

As Reina continued to cry, Buggy held her tight, providing a safe haven for her battered heart. Though known for his cunning and clownish antics, Buggy's concern for Reina was always genuine.

Buggy hesitated for a moment, considering how best to help Reina through her heartache. The chaotic, colorful atmosphere of a pirate bar suddenly came to mind, and a mischievous grin spread across his face. "You know what might help? A night out at Corsair's Cove Cantina. We could have some drinks, drown our sorrows away...what do you say?"

Reina blinked, taken aback by the suggestion. Her eyes flicked to Buggy's grinning face, then down to her tear-streaked cheeks. "I don't know, Buggy," she said uncertainly. "I'm not really in the mood for a party."

"Come on, Reina baby," Buggy urged, his eyes twinkling with excitement. "It's not a party – just a chance to let off some steam. You've been cooped up here all day, dwelling on your shithead ex. You need a distraction."

Reina bit her lip, torn between her lingering sadness and the allure of a carefree night. As much as she wanted to wallow in her misery, she knew that Buggy was right. Staying home wouldn't change anything. Besides, she couldn't deny the appeal of his playful enthusiasm.

"Alright," she finally conceded, wiping away the last of her tears. "Let's go."

Reina got a hold of her shop's keys and locked up the building before following Buggy toward Corsair's Cove Cantina.

"Are you sure you don't want me to kill him?"

"No, Buggy, don't kill him."

"Fiiiiiiiine...Geez, You're no fun."

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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