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The two boys sit on the hood of the car. Sharing their fruit flavored soda, looking up at the faint stars and the city lights. Sharing each other's company.

It was a spring night, it was getting colder.

Low 80s city pop was playing in the background.

Yuji cleared his voice "You know Fushiguro, I'm glad I met you."

"Me too... me too." He said initiating eye contact.

They stared at each other's eyes for a moment. Then once again they stared at the stars.

"You're truly a great person, Itadori. You deserve to be living life like normal. Not worrying who's gonna die next, not having to worry too much about your own life." Megumi started.

"I'm not mad about it. I got to meet you right?" He showed his cheeky grin to the boy next to him.
"Honestly, I thought there wasn't much I could do that day you came asking for a cursed finger. I can't believe that son of a bitch brought us to this, haha."

Megumi stared longer. He had his annoyed gaze, but that was just his resting face. He couldn't help but chuckle a bit.

"Man, you're too good for this world aren't you?" Megumi accidentally blurted

"That's what you always say" the pink haired boy pointed playful finger guns to him.
"I can't wait to have conversations with you like this again in a few years... oh."


Megumi managed a small, painful word.
He stared at Yuji with eyes of pain.

"I know.. I probably won't be here long but I'll try to make the most of it. Yea... You should too! We! We should make the most of it." He smiled off.

Megumi could only stare longer and more painfully.

Gojo had warned him about this. He'd heard Gojo cry and cry over Geto leaving so many times. He had warned him about a first love that feels like a breath of late spring.

A fleeting breath of late spring.

As a child and teenager, Megumi dismissed this. He didn't give it much thought but he remembered it nonetheless, just because of the sheer amount of times he saw Gojo become a mess due to his 'one and only.'

He never thought it would happen to him until Yuji came around.

At first he was just some guy, some guy who was a a good guy.. But now he was Itadori. Yuji Itadori.

The same Yuji who made him want to try a little harder. The same Yuji who made him soften up a little.

He hated how his stupid hair reminded him of cherry blossoms, he hated how his warmth made him feel so nice. He hated how his pure presence was a fresh breath of air.

To be completely true to himself, Megumi wished that maybe, just maybe, they had met in different circumstances. In a circumstance where Itadori doesn't have to die because he did a good deed.

No, no. It wasn't a good deed. It was a good person saving someone they barely knew, making it heroic.

But Megumi knows that fate is cruel, he knows this better than anyone. For now he'll just stay by Yuji's side, engulfing his warmth, breathing the fresh air he provides for him and hope that Yuji's breath won't be short lived.

He will continue to hope that late spring will just linger a little while longer. That his first love won't slip away just as fast as he fell in love.

"Yea... let's spend well." Megumi said. Taking a sip of his grape-flavored-soda to chug down the lump of sadness in his throat.

"Yup!" Yuji smiled.

Yuji was never one to be pessimistic, he tried to view everything in life as a blessing, even that day he cursed himself.

Megumi was a nice name. Maybe the boy named 'Megumi' could balance out his cursed life.

When he saw Megumi, he didn't think he would become his favorite star.
Because of Megumi he was able to live another day, yet he felt so far. He was sitting so close to him but he felt so far away.

They would talk and talk and the closer he thought he was to him, the farther he was actually getting, and it wasn't Megumi's fault, it was his damned time.

Yuji knows ,and painfully, how little time he has left on this Earth.

Maybe when he dies he can tell Megumi exactly how he wishes he could've gotten close enough, but he knows that if he does get closer, he'll burn into ashes.

Ever since that day he saw Megumi, he started looking at the stars more, but not one was as bright as him. Sure there were many stars, but he stood out.

No matter where he was, Megumi was right at the center of his mind, maybe he was facing backwards or maybe he was facing towards the side, but no matter where Yuji ended up, Megumi was by his side one way or another.

It was thanks to Megumi's light he kept going.

Though Megumi was so close yet so far, he felt like Megumi was illuminating some place on his mind.

And in all honesty, if the day comes where Megumi has to burn him down for getting too close, so be it. He'll take that 'doom'.

However his fate is already sealed, he'll have to drift away and be engulfed by darkness. Yuji does know however, by that time he'll already be lifeless.

So for now, he will stay by Megumi's side. He will be there even if it's slowly killing him, even if others try to break him, he will be by Megumi's side.

They still have a little time.

"Itadori." Megumi calls.

Yuji quickly hums to let him know that he's all ears.

"I don't want you to die. I really don't. I don't want you to leave either. I can't imagine a life without you. Can't you just stay a little longer?" Megumi manages to choke out a painful declaration.

"Staying a little longer would be nice, Fushiguro." He says, staring into the other boys eyes with endearment.

Megumi scoots closer, and Yuji puts his arm over his shoulder.

"You're my best friend." Yuji makes known, says it proudly so that Megumi can hear.

Megumi laughs, "You're mine."

With this, the pink haired boy pulls them into a lying position on top of the car so they can watch the stars better.

The stars twinkle at them. A shooting star makes a show for them.

They both wish silently.

It's not often people wish for the same thing but they both wished for the same exact thing.

More time.

Right after that wish is made, a sad sigh escapes Megumi. He wonders if this is a weird wish but he needs it, for the sake of Yuji.

Another sad sigh is made by Yuji, more time would solve the billion problems he has running through his mind, it would solve his desire to live a long life with Megumi.

Only sad sighs can be said.

Long chat, sad sighs | Itafushi Where stories live. Discover now