I will only wring you dry of everything

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My fangs cut the skin on your lips, yet you still stay.

My loud voice contrasts with your quiet one.

The blood in my body spills an unnatural darkish blue, while yours spills a violent bright red.

And my claws pinch your hands slightly when your hand holds mine. But you insist you are fine with that.

I care for you, I think. I don't really understand how I feel about humans myself. They scared me before. Although I bonded with them! I made friends. But none of them are close to being compared with you. I refrain from harming you.

I didn't even know I could harm till you told me about it. I'm not violent, really. I adore people! Especially you.

Your eyes almost sucked me in and made me desire to know more, I never knew how to read all that well, but I think that's the closest I've gotten to reading anything or anyone like a book.

I wish I could be better for you. I look as if I belong in hell, or some other planet, don't I?

I don't understand many things, but I'm still glad you stay here with me. As unnatural as I am, and as natural as you are. I can't help but feel comforted by you.

I hope you feel comforted by me too.

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