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(Eloise's POV)

I was already running late for work, 'great,' I wasn't surprised at this point. I was writing all night long for my fans. Can you blame me? People love my works of art. I ran out of my apartment as quickly as possible and sprinted down the stairs hoping not to fall on my own two feet. I ran down the street since I lived close to the coffee shop. Trying not to crash into people, I was so close when it happened, as I predicted I tripped over my own two feet and landed hard on the concert. I ended up scraping my knee which was not good. I quickly got back up and quickly dashed to the door before I was late.

"You are late!" I heard my boss Micheal shout, 'Fuck,' "I'm so sorry Micheal my alarm didn't go off and I was trying my hardest to get here and I ended up tripping and scrapped my knee." Micheal shoved his meaty hand in my face to interrupt me, "If you are late again, your fucking fired, Got it!" I stepped back from him, almost tripping on a stole, "yes, sir. Understood," Micheal gave a smug smile 'Good, now get to work!" I quickly moved around him and shoved my shit under the counter into the small cubbies. "Well, that went well," my best friend and work sister Amber said as she hugged me. I sighed in relief knowing she was there, "he's an asshole at this point I should have corporate have his ass at this point. I giggled knowing it would never happen.

"So, I read the new chapters last night and girl! Your spiciness is killing it!" I smirked, knowing Amber loved smut books. "Thanks, I couldn't stop after the last few chapters." Amber gave me a "I know" look while wiggling her eyebrows. I laughed while making coffee for a customer. While handing the customer their coffee, I glanced at her, "why do you think I'm late," "here you go have a nice day." After that customer left both Amber and I noticed a Motorcycle pull up with a guy on it. Amber looked at him with sex in her eyes, "Well hot damn, who is this," The guy slowly got off his bike like a slow Mo Reel off of Instagram and started to stroll into the coffee shop.

Once the guy came into the coffee shop and took off his helmet, I stared in shock, it couldn't be. It was the one person who was always on my mind after high school, Killian Grimm. Once Killian looked up, he stopped in his tracks seeing me, after so many years. Now this was the one thing that could bring my perfect world down.       

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 15 ⏰

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