
15 3 7

Hello Writers and Readers!
These are the plans I have so far for the collab and the stuff that the current writers need to discuss as a group, everyone has their strengths and everyone has their weaknesses, I'm trying my hardest to be inclusive of everyone's flaws with their writing.
Sorry, it's late! I've been so busy that I barely have time for writing!

Trope/Story Deciding.
This is going to be decided by democracy.
List of Trope ideas
Coffee shop AU
Enemies to Lovers
Hanahaki Disease
Friends to Lovers
Soulmate AU
Idiots to Lovers
Vampire AU
Arranged Marriage
War AU
Mutual Pinging's
Zombie Apocalypse AU
Villain AU
Angels and Demons

These are just some. Let me know which ones you like that work the best for you, and one's the ones that don't work the best for you!

Order of Writers
There are a lot of ways we can decide this.
A wheel, Alphabetical order, eagerness, we can pair up or we can discuss it.

Now. I would like you writers to answer some questions.
Tropes you're good at writing?
Tropes you're not good at writing?
Tropes you've never written before?
Do you want ships?
Horror? Romance? Action? Angst?


Once these are answered, I'll try and create story prompts we can choose from.

Any questions, concerns, or anything at all, please ask me either here or private message me.

Honestly, I'm so glad that 7 WRITERS (not including myself) have agreed to this!
I'm sure readers will love this :] And it's great to see how different writers write things from their own perspective.
Thank you and goodbye
~Kurai (Seriously, just call me Kurai, unless you're my friend who has given me a nickname)

Extra info!
- Each writer will have 1-2 weeks to finish the chapter.
- If life gets in the way, please tell me and either me or another writer will do that chapter
- If you hate or compare any writing you will get blocked and your comment will be deleted, hating is unacceptable
- I'm sorry but the chapter has to at least have 200 or more words
- Asking others for advice is permitted and encouraged
- Any writer can leave at any time they want (except me of course)
- There are no limits to the chapters, it can be as crazy as you want, just please try to not make it hard for the next writer to continue the other chapter

Again. This is just the planning book! Not the actual book...

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Jan 28 ⏰

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