Motionless and Silent

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You're motionless and silent and there's nothing I can do

My guilt is overwhelming and my tears are flowing

I wish there was something I could do but there's not

Death is just one of those things you know, it just happens

Can't wrap my head around it, can't see a way out of this darkness

I feel trapped and alone and I wish your heart was beating

But you're motionless and silent and there's nothing I can do

I want you alive more than I can describe

They say it's better to have loved and lost than to have never loved at all

I'd rather never loved at all if it meant you'd still be alive

Everything is screaming It's all your fault this never would have happened if it wasn't for you

Everyone keeps telling me it will be alright but I don't see how anyone could get out of this misery

Time has stopped completely and I wish you were still alive

But you're motionless and silent and there's nothing I can do

Just a little while ago my life was full and complete

But now that you're motionless and silent and there's nothing I can do

My life is completely shattered and I can't stop thinking about you

People are talking but I can't seem to hear them

Everyone is around me but I feel all alone

I can't eat, I can't sleep, I can't breathe without you

I wish this was all some bad dream and I'll wake up to find you

But you're still motionless and silent and there's still nothing I can do.


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