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On January 1, 2024, that is, a couple of days ago, a strange incident occurred in Bayside Marketplace, located at 401 Biscayne Blvd R106 in Florida, which required a strong intervention of the local police, with more than 75 police cars and a hundred of police officers. This situation fueled the extravagant theory of an extraterrestrial invasion, based on viral videos of dubious origin and quality, where a tall grayish alien figure could be observed walking in front of the police cars.

Witnesses inside the mall claim to have seen tall figures 6 to 9 feet tall appearing and disappearing as if vanishing into thin air. However, the Miami police version is that a group of teenagers wanted to play a prank with fireworks.

The strange thing is that the same witnesses denounce that the police officers seized their smartphones. It is also curious that in an era where everything is recorded by our cell phones there are no video records of what happened, both from the security cameras inside the mall and the hundreds of people who were shopping at that time or also from the body cameras of the police force.

Although the police arrested some teenagers outside the mall, they have no explanation for what happened inside the mall, nor for the eyewitness accounts of the incident.

Since they do not have a unit specialized in extra normal cases, so called in internal police jargon, they have to turn to external consultants with experience in this area.

Once upon a time, the FBI had a unit specialized in strange cases with no plausible explanation, this unit was the X-Files, led by agents Dana Scully and Fox Mulder.

Now retired from the FBI, each one is dedicated to his or her professional area. Dr. Scully works part-time at a public hospital and Mulder teaches criminology at various universities around the country.

What is interesting is that they continue to work together as private investigators under the acronym D&F in a small office in downtown Virginia. They only take cases related to possible serial killers and cases that cannot be solved by the police or FBI because of their bizarre nature.

The police contact the FBI in order to get some guidance or line of investigation to that effect, this reaches the ears of the now director Walter Skinner, who grants them an interview in his office.

Upon hearing all the background of what happened, Skinner recognizes that the FBI does not currently have the capacity to conduct a thorough investigation for this type of eventuality.

-I'm sorry Lieutenant Thompson-he says to the Miami Police Chief-but we don't have the right agents for this investigation in the FBI. Meanwhile, he looks up sighing, as if searching for something somewhere in his memory and missing old times, at one point he gives a faint and imperceptible smile. -Lieutenant Thompson, leave it in my hands, I'll take care of the case. The lieutenant stands up, shakes his hand and leaves.

That same day Skinner orders a vehicle from the agency and rushes to the Catholic hospital "Our Lady of Sorrows" in West Virginia.

In the information room he asks for Dr. Scully, the person in charge tells him that she is in a clinical meeting on the third floor and that he can wait for her. Skinner goes up to the third floor and waits for her in a chair in the hospital corridor.

After a few minutes Scully finishes the meeting and meets her former boss and now friend Walter Skinner, she can't hide her surprise.

-It's good to see you, sir, it's been a long time. He takes her hand and smiles kindly.

-Dana, it's been a long time since the last time, it's good to see you too. The reason for my visit is as director of the FBI, I know you and Mulder work part time on highly complex cases of an unknown nature.

-I see you've been following our lead, sir, all this time. Of course Dana, I would never lose track of them, Skinner exclaims.

Together they head to Scully and Mulder's workplace in downtown Virginia, a small office with the initials D&F on the outside.

As they enter the building they find Mulder with the lights off, projecting the digitization of his favorite magazines "Adult Video News" and "PlayPen" on the wall, Skinner adjusts his glasses and exclaims:

-I see that some things haven't changed, Mulder. 

Mulder turns and in surprise squeezes his hand tightly in friendship.

-Sir, it's good to see you. As Dana quickly turns off the projector and turns on the office light.

Skinner explains the case in detail and they outline some hypotheses of what happened, immediately ruling out alien invasions in the Miami mall.

However, Scully seems more open to that possibility.

-Sir, in all these years I've seen things that science can't explain, I wouldn't rule out any hypothesis before investigating and gathering evidence. Skinner astonished nods his head.

As direct advisors and FBI investigators will have special passes to the scene, I require a report as soon as possible in my office next week. Skinner stands up, fixes his gaze out the window and comments:

-I have a bad feeling about this case.

-I have a bad feeling about this case

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The X-Files: The Miami incidentWhere stories live. Discover now