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Original publishing date: 03-10-2022

Characters: Viola, Gladius

Tags: Praise Kink, Sexual Content, Gentle Kissing, Neck Kissing, Love Bites, Hand Jobs, Women On Top, My First Smut

One Piece Kinktober Day 2: Praise

When they're having sex Gladius is always the one on top, making sure that he's pleasing Violet as much as possible to ensure that the nights she spends with him are gratifying for her, instead of making sure that he's enjoying it as much as her, but tonight Violet is the one on top of him holding on to the reins, and she's going to make sure that tonight is going to be the most enjoyable night of his life.

"Let's try something different tonight" Violet said as she stood in front of Gladius and dropped her fancy flamenco dress onto the floor next to their bed, as she was now dressed only in her purple coloured panties and bra. 

"How so?" Gladius questioned as he looked at her with a confused expression on his face. He had already taken his clothes off as well, which included the mask and goggles he was always wearing, and was now only wearing his boxers.

"Because," Violet walked closer to him, so close that their chest were almost touching, and gently placed a hand against his bare chest and leaned in close to the side of his face, which made Gladius raise an eyebrow at her. "You never look like you're enjoying yourself when where having sex." She said in a soft voice.

When he's around the other family members and their subordinates, he's always so serious, and almost always level headed, never letting his emotions get in the way of what the young master had ordered him to do, and always making sure that he does so with the utmost of perfection.

But when the two of them are alone with nothing to distract them from each other, there would be times where he would let his emotions slip as he would talk to her in a calm voice while he held her hand gently and gave her soft kisses on her lips, letting her see the most vulnerable sides of him, sides that he wouldn't ever show to anyone else, not even his family.

But when they start to get even remotely sexually intimate with each other he immediately reverts back to that serious persona, while he has the same expression on his face as he does when he is doing one of the task that the young master had assigned to him, like he was focused on doing something correctly instead of doing it for his enjoyment.

Gladius' eyes widened at that statement. "What?" He said in bewilderment. Not a single woman has ever made him feel as alive as Violet had, every night he spends with her are some of the most euphoric moments of his life, so he doesn't understand why she would ever think something so absurd.

Has he not been doing a good enough job at letting her know how much enjoyment he gets from the passionate nights they spend together?

"Of course I'm enjoying myself!-" Gladius said almost defensively, but Violet cut him off as soon as he had finished saying just one sentence.

"But you're always so preoccupied by making sure that I'm enjoying it instead of making sure that you are as well." She said as she looked deep into his eyes while her body was pressed against his, and her hand was still on his chest.

'You love being in control and you love being great at the things you do, because to you, just being good at something has never been good enough.' 

Gladius is the type to always want to be on top doing the pleasing instead of receiving it, he has to be the one holding on to the reins to ensure that the nights were as pleasurable as possible for the one on the receiving end of his dexterity.

He never wants to disappoint whoever he's with, especially while in a sexual setting, because the last thing he wants is for his partners to have a bad time while with him.

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