Chapter 3: The perfect party

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We kept dancing until Harry stopped and grabbed both of my hands lightly. „Want something to drink?“ He gently started to stroke my palm with his thumb. „Yeah“, I relied while blushing and we went hand in hand to the bar. Louis already waited for us. He leaned over the bar as we sat down. „Would you guys like a“, he came closer. „Sex on the beach?“ Harry rolled his eyes and I laughed. „No, just a normal Coke, please“, he whispered annoyed and then Louis looked at me. „A Coke for me, too please.“ „No alcohol?“, he looked shocked at both of us, then shook his head and turned away from us to get us cokes. „No alcohol“, he mumbled frustrated as he got us the Cokes. „Anything else?“ I grinned and took a swig. „No, thanks.“ Harry chuckled and we grinned at each other. „So, how's the party?“, Harry asked and took a slip. „Yeah, it's great. I really like it. I've just never been at a party like that before. Like, in a massive house with rich people and everything.“ Harry laughed. „Rich? Rich?!“ I smiled lightly. „I-I …“ I don't know why, but I found this really awkward. „Oh my god, no-one's rich in here.“ I could tell that he was lying. It was so cute that he tried to make me feel comfortable. I liked the way how he talked. He didn't talk fast, but also not slow. He had this perfect thing in the middle. I sighed happy. I loved everything about him. A blond guy and a guy with dark skin came over to us. „Hey, I'm Andy and this is Mazzi.“, the blond one said. We shook hands. „So, you're Harry's date for tonight?“, Mazzi asked while taking a swig of his red cup. I guessed that it was beer. I smiled. „Yes“ They nodded. Then they looked over my shoulder and then said: „Alright, someone just- bye.“ Then they walked off. Okaaay …

Harry looked at me. „I'm sorry, they're … weird.“ „Oh, that's no problem.“ We smiled at each other and I could feel how his massive hand glided on my thigh. I felt how I blushed and I never think I've blushed like that before. He slowly came closer to my ear and whispered: „Should I show you a special place?“ I slowly put my hand on his shoulder and pulled him a bit closer so I felt his curls tickling my face. „I'd love to“, I whispered back in his ear. He slowly kissed my neck, slowly left his hand gliding up my thigh, then he took my hand and pulled me upstairs. Suddenly the idea of a bedroom popped in my head. Oh no, no, no, no! This couldn't be possible. He opened a door and surprise - it was a bedroom. SHIT. I thought I was more to him. He kept pulling me, but past the bed. I felt relief. There was a balcony door which he pulled open and cool air blew against my face. He stepped on the balcony and smiled at me. „Isn't this beautiful?“ I also stepped on the balcony and saw a beautiful view. „Wow“, I whispered and walked to the railing. Harry hugged me from behind and put his head on my shoulder. His curls tickled me everywhere as I chuckled and put my hands on his'. Then he spread his arms with mine and re-acted the scene of Titanic. We both laughed and he pulled me closer. The view we had was perfect. You could see so many houses, some had the lights on, some had it off and we could also see the whole garden. It had lights everywhere. „How long have you known Liam, Louis, Niall and Zayn? It seems like you've known each other for years.“ Harry buried his head against mine. „For almost three years.“ I could feel that he smiled. „That's so cute.“ He chuckled. „And you? Who's your best friend?“ „My roommate Maggie. We used to hate each other in the first weeks we lived together, but now we're best friends.“ I turned around to face him. He smiled and put his hands on my hips. I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer. This was it. This was the perfect moment for our first kiss. I knew, we only had met today, but there was this special connection between us like I've never had with someone. We stared into each others eyes and I leaned against the rail. Harry slowly came closer. He seemed excited as I was, yet we both smiled. We continued to come closer to each other, but we always had these little breaks in which we just stared at each other and smiled. It was so beautiful. I went closer to Harry's face, so our lips only were like a centimetre away from each others. We stared in each others eyes, then Harry looked down at my lips and then, when we both moved and our lips were about to touch, a voice said: „Are you coming back? We're opening the -“ Harry jumped back of shock and we both just stared at Liam. Shocked. „Oh my god I am so sorry!“, he took a step back. „Continue! Just continue!“ He closed the door and ran off. We laughed. „We-we should go back.“, I stuttered. Harry smiled and kissed my cheek. Then he took my hand. „We should“ He opened the door and signed me to walk so I did. He followed me after he closed the door. We went back downstairs, hand in hand where the big part of the party had already started. They drank beer through a tube. I rolled my eyes. I hated when people did that. I got my phone out of my little satchel to look what time it was. Only 22:30pm. I also had new messages from Sally and Maggie, both saying I should lay him. I laughed and put my phone back in. Harry smiled at me. I smiled back. He was just so adorable. Maybe it was better that we didn't kiss us, even though it would've been perfect. Shit, it wasn't better. I suddenly felt kinda uncomfortable around all the people. Harry seemed to notice that and pulled me closer to wrap his arm around my shoulders. He came closer to my ear. „Was it … too fast?“ I smiled and put my hand on his cheek. „I wasn't“, I whispered in his ear. „Liam was“ He giggled and pulled me in for a hug. Our first kiss was suposed to be perfect, so it maybe really was better. I buried my head in his neck and pulled him as close as possible. Louis appeared behind Harry and scared the shit out of me. „Louis!", Harry called. „Why?" I laid my head on Harry's chest. Louis laughed. „Don't you wanna join the party? It's only starting!“ I smirked. „I still don't like drinking.“ Louis rolled his eyes and walked off. „Does he dislike me, or …?“ Harry giggled. „He's like that around everyone who is at a party and doesn't drink alcohol, don't worry. He acts like it is a religion.“ I laughed. We actually had a nice evening with everyone, without drinking. Niall and me got along really well, like we've known each other for years.

At like 1:30am Harry drove me home and when we arrived at the door, he smiled at me. „Do you maybe wanna … go to the park tomorrow? I … have a … a surprise for you.“, he stuttered. „Of course“, I grinned. A surprise! How cute! I hugged him and kissed him on the cheek. „See you tomorrow“ Then I went in and walked upstairs. Maggie was surprised when I came in. „So early?“ It was 2am. She looked like she was sorry for me. „Was he … too early?“ I laughed as I closed the door. „What do you mean with too early?“ She rolled her eyes and let out an annoyed sigh. „Was he too fast? Wasn't he able to hold it?“ I laughed loud as turned off my jacket, put my keys on the table next to me. „We didn't“ She looked confused at me. „And what was the point at this whole thing?“ I sighed as I at down next to her and put my satchel next to me on the couch. „It was a date. D-a-t-e. Like, a relationship. You know this word?“ She rolled her eyes and grabbed the ice cream bottle next to her. It was Ben&Jerry's Cookie ice cream. „Did you at least kiss?“ I blushed and watched TV. How I Met Your Mother was on. „You didn't?!", she shouted. „We almost did, everything was perfect, but Liam disturbed us.“ She shook her head.

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