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A LIFE WITHOUT FUN IS BORING. Without any rebellion or disobedience in humanity, civilization would be like plain vanilla.

How boring. Vanilla is one of the flavors that can come in mind of all things to compare with something so bland and uninteresting. Especially those Americans, they have no taste. All they do is complain about trivial problems that don't matter. For example, those Karen's all they do is go ask (more like demand) for the manager if something was done wrong or if anything didn't satisfy their needs as their hearts content. Especially whenever they wear those skinny jeans, just stop you're trying too hard, sweetheart, and it's awfully embarrassing if you say so yourself.

What's a life without risk? Without risk, the world would be awfully tedious. There were so many things to do in life, like traveling to different countries and trying new dishes. Here's the thing about trying new dishes you can never know that they are worthy unless you try them, and once you learn to love those dishes, you can't help but keep eating and eating them until you start gaging with disgust or getting bored by the taste. (It's like listening to the same music over and over again until you're bored or tired of that one song.)

It's almost embarrassing, and as a foodaholic, the woman can't help but feel sorry for the average norm. Their poor souls can't be helped either they were born unfortunate, or they were just plain ignorant to have a taste of a pleasurable dish.

{ 🍒 }

It has been six hours since [NAME] had left from [COUNTRY], and she still has five hours and eighteen minutes to arrive in Japan. The foodie can't wait any longer she was terribly exhausted from waking up early in the morning, yet she was still excited about the whole trip. Taking her phone out from her coat/cardigan, she began to scroll through Google. The woman was trying to search for five star review restaurants to try out. Sure, she tried sushi and udon before, but she wanted to try all of their traditional dishes.

They seem so interesting to try, like, were the flavors rich, savory? Tangy? Sour? Or bitter? The idea of trying new foods around the world is one of the most exciting things that she has ever done with her life (other than hooking up with random people for fun). Especially if they look aesthetically beautiful like the pictures online, they must be worth the hype.

Typing the words "best places to eat Yokohama" and "places to try in Yokohama" [NAME] came across dozens of different places, but unfortunately, they all have 4 stars- well, almost to 5 stars. 'So close yet so far away..' The woman tiredly thought to herself and continued to scroll through Google, keeping the 5/2 in the back of her head for safe keeping.

The endless scrolling was slowly becoming tiresome... Even her thumb and index finger is getting tired. What a shame she's not even close to her destination, yet she's already getting restless again. With a frustrated groan, [NAME] shut her phone completely off as an attempt to save her battery and closed her eyes, trying to sleep for the whole plan ride.

WORD COUNT: 557 words
WATTPAD: L0v3s1ck-606
QUOTEV: VintageFlowerAngel

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 24 ⏰

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