Chapter One: Synister (Syn) Silence

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Darkness. A void. Sometimes the dark is welcoming. It's quiet, peaceful, but it's so so lonely and cold. It's cruel, really. Things can hide in the dark ,hence the fear of it. But when you die, it's what surrounds you. When you sleep, all you see is dark, blackness. It's normal when you die, when you sleep,  to see the dark. Then why do we fear it so? Your imagination, that's why. Your bran is so powerful. Truly wonderful. But it, as well, can be so cruel. Take depression for example. Those sad, lonely thoughts that plague you day in and day out. Those sinister thoughts lead people to make really bad decisions. You can be happy and outdoorsy one day, and stuck in bed, sad the next. It's interesting. The world really is cold. 

"Synister!" My Leader, Apollo Hills, shouted.

I wish he'd just go away. Honestly. Just let me be. 

"What?" I asked, annoyed.

"Is that how you speak to me?" Apollo scolded.

I sighed lowly.

"No. I'm sorry." I said.

"Good. Don't you dare speak to me that way again." Apollo commanded.

Apollo is 'At The Moon's End' gang leader. He's also a Vampire Lord, the highest ranking vampire. He's popular and every girl/guy's dream. Body like a Greek God but personality of a fucking stone. He's cold, meticulous. He's also incredibly possessive over me. I can't go anywhere or do anything without his permission.

"What do you need, Apollo?" I asked, softly.

His eyes darkened, his vampire side responding to my softer, submissive approach to him.

"That's much better. I need the reports from the dealers." Apollo said.

"Reports already? Those won't be submitted until end of day. Shipment isn't until 10:07 tonight." I said.

"Their early morning ones should haven already been submitted. I know the receiving ones won't be in yet." Apollo asked.

I checked my email, where they send the reports. Nothing yet. Great, Apollo's gonna lose his fucking mind.

"I haven't received them yet." I said.

As I went to grab my phone to call Yosef, our drug and weapons manager, Apollo grabbed my wrist. Hard.

"Apollo, you're hurting me." I said.

His eyes were red, his vampire side clearly not happy that I didn't have what he wanted yet. 

"You should know how to do your fucking job! You should know that I need those reports as soon as possible." Apollo scolded again. 

Flinching, I knew fighting him was going to make my situation worse.

"I know that, Apollo. If you let me go, I'll get a hold of Yosef and get them to you. But I can't with you hurting me." I said, speaking softly once again.

My wrist was burning in pain. Being Apollo is the rank he is, his strength is unmatched. And when he gets angry, his powers kick in and strengthens him more. 

"Get them to me within the hour! Or a bruised wrist will be the least of your worries, Freak!" Apollo shouted, finally releasing my wrist after one last tight squeeze.

Looking at my wrist, I could see a blackish/purple bruise starting to form. I'm a human/vampire hybrid. I don't belong anywhere. Doesn't help that because I'm a hybrid, I'm albino as well. Pale as fuck with red eyes,  the only reason I have raven black hair is because of my vampire gene. Both my human and vampire genes weren't strong enough on their own to make me one or the other so I'm a mixture of both. No vampiric powers, but have human strength. I have supersonic vampire hearing but have blood running through my veins as opposed to venom. So I'm an outcast. Humans stay away from me because I'm half vampire, and vampires stay away from me because I'm half human. I was born premature, which is why I'm this way, my genes couldn't develop all the way for my vampiric gene to make me a full vampire. My dad's the vampire, my mom's the human. 

Apollo slammed the office door shut. He's a hot head which doesn't help any. Grabbing my phone, I head down to the warehouse where our drugs and weapons sit, until it's selling time. Yosef was standing by the computer, seeming to be typing something.

"Yosef?" I asked.

"Hey, Boss man! What brings you down here to Skid Rowe?" Yosef asked.

"Reports." I said.

"Sending them now. Too impatient to wait.?" Yosef questioned, trying to be funny.

He turned and saw my wrist.

"Oh, I see." Yosef said, solmely.

Most of the gang members that 'mattered' knew of Apollo's abuse towards me. That's Apollo's words, not mine. And like me, they can't understand why. Leaders and Second in Commands were supposed to be best friends and were supposed to have each other's backs. Not resort to abuse. 

"Damn near breaking your wrist over some reports?" Yosef asked, incredulously.

"They're important, Yosef. We, well he, needs to check and make sure last nights numbers match with this mornings. And you know he's a creature of habit and wants things done on time." I said.

"Stop defending him." Yosef said.

"Just telling you from a Second in Command's standpoint." I said.

"I wish you had an out. He doesn't deserve you." Yosef grumbled.

'I know.' I thought to myself.

"Reports, Yosef. Please." I said.

"They just sent." Yosef said.

"Thanks." I said.

And with that, I forwarded the email to Apollo. With fifteen minutes to spare out of the hour window he gave me. 

'Cutting it close, aren't we?' Apollo texted me.

'Not by choice.' I replied.

'Don't let this happen again. Next time I won't be so forgiving.' Apollo texted.

'Yes, Sir.' I replied.

Dodged a bullet with that one. Honestly I don't know how much more I can physically or mentally take. I hope Apollo can one day change. Soon...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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