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The ride to London was very boring, to Myriam anyway. All she had to keep her busy was her sketchpad and a book, with the exception of Juniper. They had to bring Myriam's goat, Juniper, because she wouldn't let them leave without her.

On the topic of Juniper, Hogwarts had written them back, confirming that Myriam was allowed to bring Juniper along with her to the school.

The night before, Myriam had a dream. The dream was about someone in a graveyard, two people at first. One in yellow with dirty blonde hair, seemingly about seventeen, and a fourteen-year-old boy with black hair that stuck out in a bunch of different angles and vibrant green eyes hidden behind round glasses. They were dirty and had sweat all over them, and next to them was a glowing cup.

Then, an old man with a bunch of warts came into view. He kind of looked like a rat. Then, he pointed his wand at the blonde one and yelled, 'AVADA KEDEVRA!' Then her vision flashed with green, and the dream ended.

Myriam looked out the window. They were currently passing over a bridge. They were almost to London, or so she assumed. She could see big brick buildings in the distance, so they must be close.

Myriam decided to get her sketchbook out and start drawing. She often drew her dreams, and it helped her understand them better. She drew the cemetery; the gravestones, the paths, the moonlit grass. She drew the two boys; the older boy and his high cheekbones, dirty blonde hair, cloudy grey eyes, and tall frame. The other younger boy with jet jet-black hair that stuck out at a bunch of odd angles, pale skin, and bright green eyes. He had black-rimmed round glasses that were a bit too big for his face, which was skinny, just like his body. He seemed extremely skinny, even in the clothes he was wearing.

She drew the other man, the one who made the green light. The man had blonde hair, but it was extremely dirty and dry. He was large, not in stature, but in weight, and had a bunch of warts. He looked like a mouse— no, a rat. A dirty one, at that. He looked as if he hadn't bathed in years. She drew the glowing blue cup too, it was lined in silver.

She didn't draw the green light. If she did, she wouldn't be able to see anything underneath. She didn't have any green coloring supplies either— just a charcoal pencil.

Myriam looked at the drawing. It made more sense drawn out. She suspected the green light was magic, and the man with warts had struck one of the boys with a spell. Which one, she didn't know. She didn't know what the spell did, but she assumed it would harm people when used. Maybe even kill them. But the incantation was 'Avada Kedevra' apparently.

"Myra, we're here." Myriam snapped out of her thoughts at that.

"Oh, okay." She unbuckled her seat belt and grabbed her leather satchel, putting her sketchbook and pencil in it in the process. "Come on, Juno," Myriam hooked a leash to Juniper's harness — a dog harness — and picked her up. Myriam climbed out of the vehicle and put Juniper down, holding onto the leash. She hadn't paid much attention to her surroundings before that, but now she did. They were parked on the side of the street and were surrounded by tall, brick buildings, some with windows, some without.

"Alright, Myra, you'll have to pay attention now. There's a place we need to get into, but I won't be able to see the sign because I don't have magical abilities. But you can. The sign says, 'The Leaky Cauldron'." The two girls' father started walking down the street, and Myriam started keeping an eye out. She eventually saw the sign.

"It's right there." Myriam pointed to the sign. The three people — plus Juniper — walked inside.

Inside, it was completely made out of wood. There was a bar, a bunch of tables, and a high, vaulted ceiling. Myriam didn't realize that everyone in there was looking at her.

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