chp 2 hello goodbye

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Remus entered the bathroom worried and desperate. He needed to find her, he knew she cut and hid it with a concealer charm. He always tried to stop his friends well tried is an understatement. Sometimes he would however if James and Sirius knew he cared for her, they would probably would have him beheaded. This is why he stood here inside the bathroom of Moaning Myrtle, holding her while she cried. Sure right now he felt like the gay best friend but that didn't make him even a little bit hesitant to help her, he love her. She's beautiful but not in the way she looks. In the way she acts and talks. Though she is beautiful face wise, her personality is just, I don't know, words cannot fathom my love for her.
I looked down to see that she had drifted off in my arms. She looked so peaceful. Anyway I carried her out the bathroom up to the seventh floor(the only time me being a werewolf helps in daily life) into the room of recruitment and opened the door to find a bed.
Gently I put her down, careful not to wake her up. Just as I was about to leave I felt a tug on my sleeve. "Don't go. Please, don't leave me." she pleaded tired eyes glancing up to meet my own. I didn't say anything for a moment, only complied.

A/n so there u have it lots of people have been asked me to update so there you go
I'm not sure I've revealed her name yet, have I? Tell me if I have or haven't I have the memory of a 90 year old women with a broken hip. Not entirely sure why I just said that .
Mostly edited. Live long for prosperities

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