Chapter 1

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A young girl was sitting in a tree alongside a road. She was enjoying her peace and quiet and admiring the beautiful nature around her.

She had her weapons on the ground close to her just in case. Her weapons are a bow and arrow that turns into a staff, with just a flick of a string.

She was wearing clothes that covered all her skin. Except for her fingertips, and half her face, she has a scarf that covers the bottom half of her face. She covers all her body because she has scars hidden everywhere on her. She doesn't want anyone to know about them because most of them are hideous.

She was just peacefully sitting in the tree on a limb when she heard horse hooves coming towards her. She jumped up higher into the tree so she wouldn't be seen. She left her stuff on the ground, but it was out of site because it was on the other side of the tree. The people on the horses rode past her.

There was a man with white hair in the front. He had a white horse and was dressed fancy. The second person was a girl with a brown horse. She has long blond hair. The third person was a man with brown hair and a brown horse. On the same horse was a girl with bright red hair. She was sitting behind him. On the last horse was a guy with black hair, he was also on a brown horse.

They were out of her site within a minute. A few seconds later she heard some wrestling in a tree. She covered up her face and ran through the tree branches in the forest. She was getting chased by the man with black hair. She was running through the trees when she slipped and scraped her left side on the tip of a branch that was sticking out. She held out her hand to try and grab onto a branch and she missed the branch. Right before she hit the ground the guy grabbed her wrist.

He stared into her eyes and her into his. Then he lets go and drops her on the ground, she lands on her feet but falls in pain. She held her side because blood was coming out. The guy jumped off the branch and landed in front of her. She looked at the man with fear in her eyes. She cleared her throat and spoke in a deep voice, so he didn't know that she is a girl.

"What is your problem? Why were you chasing me?" she says.

Then he spoke, "Why were you watching us?" His voice sounds stern but calm.

"I wasn't watching you I was just enjoying my time alone. Then I heard you and your friends coming and hid in the tree. I answered your question now answer mine."

"I was chasing you to see why you were waiting for us and what your intentions were. Now I see I was mistaken and you're hurt sorry about that."

"Well, your foolishness caused me to get hurt, and now I'm far away from my stuff." She stood up and took a couple of steps and fell to her knees.

"Let me help you with the bleeding." Says the man.

"No, I got it" She takes a deep breath and takes off her scarf, and wraps it around her waist on her wound.

The guy looks at her and says, "You're a girl!?"

"Yes, I'm a girl. What's the big deal?"

"Nothing you were covering up your hair, and face, and even trying to talk in a guy voice."

She looked mad, "yeah that's because you never know about the people around here. Now if you excuse me, I need to get back to my stuff." She stood up and walked in pain.

"Hear let me help you, if I may?"

She looked him up and down and said "I guess, but this doesn't make us even. Got it."

"Yes, ma'am."

"Please none of that ma'am stuff."

"Ok, whatever you say."

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