Chapter 6

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The morning came, and Key woke up first. She looked up at Felix, and she just wanted to stay in his arms forever. Key just laid there and thought of what the day might bring. Then Felix woke up at 6:15.

"Have you been awake for long?" Felix's morning voice shocked Key. His voice was so deep and raspy.

"Oh, my goodness Felix!"


"Your voice is so sexy."

"Oh, really. Thank you. Did you sleep well?"

"Yes, how did you sleep?"

"I slept pretty well."

"Good, I like sleeping with you."

"Me too. Let's just lay here for a little longer."


They lay there for a couple of minutes in each other's arms. Then Key suddenly had to go to the bathroom.



"I have to go to the bathroom."


Key gets up out of the comfort of his arms and from under the covers. She sits up on the edge of the bed and then stands up. When she stood up, she immediately felt pain shoot up her left leg. She sits back down imminently.

"Ow that hurt."

"What's wrong?"

"I forgot about my leg."

"Oh, right. Do you need help?"

"No, I got it."

"OK then."

Key tries to stand again. She fights through the pain, and she limbs to the bathroom. Felix sits up and sits on the edge of the bed and waits for Key. He wants Key to tell him what the nightmare was about, but he doesn't want to push her. Key comes out and he imminently looks at her.

"Woo Felix, did I startle you or something?"


"Then what is it?"

"I want you to tell me about your nightmare."

"Why do you want to know so bad?"

"Because I want to see if I can do anything to help."

"What if I don't tell you?"

"Then I will tell Alex, what happened last night."

"Tell him what?"

"That you were all over me, that you wouldn't stop kissing me."

"But I never did that."

"I know that, but he doesn't."

"You wouldn't dare."

"Yes, I would. Now tell me."

"Fine. But while I'm telling you were getting ready."

"Ok, deal."

They shook hands. They got dressed and ready for the trip while she told him what happened.

"Well, first I saw me, and my parents got into a fight. I don't know what it was about. Then suddenly, I was surrounded by dead people. All the people that were lying on the ground were all my friends." She started to cry. "I saw Chris, Kiki, Sky, Cherry, Max, Alex." She looked at Felix. "And you." She cried even harder. He came over to Key and hugged her.

"It's all right Key. Thank you for telling me."

"When I saw you on the ground, my heart dropped. I didn't even think about Alex, just you because you make me so happy. So, when I saw you, I held your lifeless body in my arms. Hoping it wasn't true. Then I heard you trying to wake me up. So, I woke up."

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