Chapter 16

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Another Saturday football game came and went without River by his side. Now that Hunter knew about Melodie, he understood why River so frequently rejected his invites. So Hunter tried to make the most of it. Running around was a great way to get his mind off things.

A few weeks ago, he used the exercise to try to get over his feelings. Now he was trying to keep those same feelings from spinning out of control. Turns out, getting to kiss a man you've been obsessed with for months just makes you want to kiss him again. And again. And once more for good luck.

It was a great game, but hours later, Hunter was a bit on edge driving to his friend's house. It's tradition for them to drive to the Chang household after the game and Kian always carpooled with him. Kian also found it appropriate to take over the aux during the drive despite his musical taste being very...white.

Not country music, of course: he was still Canadian. But the hard metal rock music was just one step-down. The music was designed to keep your blood pumping and Hunter felt dialed up for the entire ride.

Entering Connor and Luke's place to find children running around, he worried about his ability to handle it. Could he really be patient with a bunch of kids after the week he had?

Little Sanda was the first one to run up to him, hugging his legs tightly between her short stubby arms. With him effectively trapped, she looked up at him, smiling brightly with her little chin pressed to his knees. Hunter's previous cares melted away as he bent down to wrap Sanda in a proper bear hug.

"Uncle Hunter!" she cheered, giggling when he lifted her high in the air before hugging her again. Her exclamation seemed to get the attention of her siblings and soon, eight more little, Wasian angels were swarming his body. The oldest, Kendra, led the new wave and the rest of her little minions followed. Kian went right ahead as Hunter struggled to get to the living room to meet their parents. The kids seemed to enjoy how Hunter grunted as he struggled to walk.

"Please! Rescue me! I'm being attacked!"

The kids' laughter and giggles only grew louder but, luckily, someone did come to relieve some of the burden.

"Don't forget to let Uncle Hunter breathe, guys," a voice called over the noise, smiling even as his kids groaned in disappointment. "I said breathe. That doesn't mean you can't still achieve total domination."

"Hey, wait. I don't know if that really helped-" Hunter began to complain, reaching out with wide eyes to Luke but the man just sent a wave his way, heading back into the living room. Hunter was still reaching out to him when the oldest boy, Von, grabbed his leg and they all went tumbling in a single noisy heap.

Fifteen minutes later, the kids finally got bored of play fighting with 'giant Uncle Hunter,' and he shuffled into the living room. His entrance seemed to create a new round of laughter, likely at his expense.

"I can't believe you guys just abandoned me like that. I was completely ambushed," Hunter complained with a smile, rubbing his tired right bicep. Letting two adorable children hang from it seemed like a good idea at the time. He was paying for it now.

"You weren't ambushed. Those kids just love being around you too much," Sean argued, laughing as Layla relaxed into his side.

"I'm a little worried that you've cast a spell on them," Connor joked. "To gain their favour, maybe."

With a shake of his head, Hunter lowered himself into one of several bean bag chairs the Changs had around their home. They argued that the items worked well with kids and, apparently, with exhausted adults too.

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