Chapter 5

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A/N Domestic Larry and fluff Xx

Harry let out a nervous breath as he pressed his phone to his ear and walked into the grocery store. He felt like he hadn't been able to breathe properly since this morning, and as time went on, it only grew worse.

"Hey love."

"Hey," Harry perked up as he heard Louis' voice. "I uhm, I'm at the store to get things for dinner, but I need to know what to cook. How has Kinsely been feeling?"

"She's been great and has requested tacos," Louis chuckled. "I already hear you stressing H. It's gonna be alright."

Harry rubbed a hand over his face, trying to organize himself enough to get the ingredients he needed. "I've never really been around kids, and this needs to go well," he muttered, as he said it, his nerves skyrocketed even more.

"It will, babe. We're gonna have a fun night and just hang out. What do I always say?"

The green-eyed man smiled a little as he started loading his basket. "Just be you."

"It got me to fall for you," Louis was inevitably smiling on the other end. "It's easy to love you, H. I know Kins will."

Harry immediately felt his cheeks go hot. "Just her?" He asked through a timid laugh.

Hearing Louis' fond chuckle, got his heart racing before the older man spoke up.

"See you in a bit, handsome."

When Louis hung up, Harry pulled his phone away from his ear and stared at it. He knew he couldn't think too hard about "Louis" and "love" without drowning in his thoughts. Most of them told him he was insane for falling in love in less than a month.

Harry couldn't focus on that right now, first, he had to accomplish grocery shopping. Then, on to the next mission, which was just as terrifying as falling in love.

There was no hiding Louis loved Kinsely with all of his heart, and the thought of the 3-year-old not liking Harry drove him close to a panic attack. He doesn't know how it would affect his relationship with his boyfriend, but the obvious answer is it wouldn't be good.

As Harry walked to Louis' apartment, bags in hand, he tried to solely focus on his breathing. He couldn't go into this scared, Niall told him kids can sniff fear out like hounds. Like Louis said, he has to be himself, and hopefully, everything will fall into place.

Harry let out one more deep breath before knocking on Louis' apartment door, and only a moment later the older man swung it open excitedly.

"Hey!" Louis said with a wide smile before giving him a quick kiss. "How was the matinee?"

"Uhm good," Harry slightly peered past Louis as he grabbed the groceries from him. "Where is she?"

"Watching cartoons," Louis had to laugh the tiniest bit as he saw the fear behind Harry's eyes. "It'll be great. Can you relax?"

"No," Harry groaned as he followed Louis.

The shorter man gave him one more kiss for reassurance the closer they got to the connecting kitchen and living room. "Kins! Look who's here sweetheart!"

Harry swallowed thickly as he saw a little head peek over the couch, her bright blue eyes too familiar. "Hi Kinsley, I'm Harry," he tried to smile and sent her a small wave.

But the 3-year-old bit her lip as she looked him up and down, and now Harry was close to hyperventilating.

"What's up kiddo? You've been excited to meet him all day," Louis said as he scooped her up and brought her over to Harry.

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