Chapter 2

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*The Next Morning At the School*

Bianca: Ok let's do this ready?

*The Bots nodded and cheered out*

Burgertron: What about the market table is Alizee OK now

Bianca: Oh yeah she is good now but is your red fluffy baby ok 

Clogstopper: Pffft

Burgertron: *Looks At Clogstopper stopping anger but blushes in embarrassment* Yes she Is and what about the market table who's running it?

R.P.: What's a market table?

Bianca: Oh the ones that we've been selling our items well *One explanation later about the market tables and stuff*

R.P.: Ooh so Alize is selling the cake we made right?

Bianca: Yeah plus also those mini clothing two

Dimlit: Cool

Bianca: OK let's get ready for a steak out Burgertron, Kikmee Bonz-Eye, and Clogstopper and I will investigate Ophelia and take pictures of it because it is for evidence R.P. and Dimlit we'll keep an eye on Alizee just in case

Dimlit: Ok

Kikmee: Let's do this!

*R.P. distraction by the whole compaction*

Burgertron: R.P.?

R.P.: Oh sorry it's just so many kids I feel like everyone and everything is staring at me!

Burgertron: Don't worry as long as you're in disguise and not being seen is it overwhelming you be next to Alizee

R.P.: O-ok

Burgertron: I noticed that Bianca is very protective of Alizee

Dimlit: Yeah like a sister a bit she must care

R.P.: Yeah she's pretty scared that she passed out from an unknown fever

Kikmee: Just like coach if anything happens to you or Ulf

Burgertron: What talking about *He said nervously embarrassed*

Kikmee: Don't lie you freak out and even say My baby when Red gets hurt and Ulf you panic

*Burgertown now blushing in embarrassment*

R.P.: Aww he cares

Bianca: Okay let's just move it on it's investigating time

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 05 ⏰

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