Part 8

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         Sarah and I have yet again been summoned to meet with Welsh. It seems he has a job for us. We walk into the designated room and are greeted by Maya. "The President will be here shortly" Maya says, standing behind a chair which I can only assume is Welsh's. We sit for a moment and Sarah finally breaks the silence. "So, Chris, about yesterday. Are we gonna talk about it?" Honestly, No. I don't want to. "Sure." I say hoping that she might start things off. Fortunately, she never gets the chance to because right after that Welsh walks into the room. "Good morning, Pres."
          "Good morning, agents," He responds. "Agents?" Sarah and I both say at once. "Where did that come from?" I ask. He takes a seat  and then explains. "Well you two are different from the others. Given your familiarity with each other and seemingly good judgment on what to do, I have decided to place you two directly under me." I try to protest, because a lot of sway in this place would put Sarah and I under a lot of responsibility, but he cut me off. "You both will still go on trips to gather food, and other resources, like you are today." I sit back and look towards Sarah. Seems she has something to say. "What exactly makes you think we have good judgment?" Sarah asks Welsh. Welsh then responds with the same thing I would, "Sarah, you both have survived together for four years now, haven't you?"
           Or at least I'd say that if I were me, but Welsh? How does he know how long we have known each other? I bet Sarah is thinking the same thing. "Okay well, When are we leaving?" I ask, as it was annoyingly quiet at that moment. "You both have an hour to get ready. when you are; visit the armory." After that, he stands up and leaves the room. "Good talk" I think out loud. We both get up and head back to our rooms. After thirty minutes we meet outside our rooms and head towards the armory. It's on a floor of the building that seems to be one level below ground.
        The elevator, unlike most modern ones, had an older style to it. The mechanics of the door and lifting mechanism exposed through the non-existent ceiling and manually opened scissor gate door.  When the elevator stops, Sarah opens the gate and we both walk through it. We check in with the guy guarding the door to the armory and he lets us pass. The armory is full of guns of all kinds, full auto, semi, sniper rifles, crossbows, explosives, tactical grenades, along with many knifes and blades otherwise. "Woah.. Is all this really necessary?" I ponder. "Yeah it is, when you have the workforce this place does." Sarah chimes in while searching for her weapon of choice. While I'm searching I find what I can best describe as a vest made of thin leather straps with two sidearm holsters that would hug the sides of anyone wearing it.  I put it on and turn to Sarah. "Fashionable, aren't I?" She looks at me for a second and she rolls her eyes and turns back to what she's doing, "I'll give you that."

          I walk to the gunrack and find a set of M1911's I take two of them. "Old Reliable" I think out loud, I guess Sarah heard me so she inquired about my statement. "What? you never played a gun game before the apocalypse? That was the description of all 1911s. It's also the source of my gun knowledge." She looks almost confused about what I said, then her face goes back to its normal dead self and she says "oh, so you are a nerd." I answer her with silence, put the guns in the holsters on the vest, grab a backpack, and say I'm ready to go. When we leave we both have a knife each and backpacks with one gallon of water to share in Sarah's. I have the two pistols, and Sarah has an assault rifle.  We start to head out the exit in the back of the armory when a guard stops us. "Hey! What are ya? Stupid? That back entrance to the building is surrounded by  dogs!" Is that what they are calling those things? I suppose I get it, they are dog like. "The door is to loud, It will wake them up and they will eat you alive.  Go to the garage, take a truck, and leave from there." 
           We both heed his warning and ask for directions to the garage. someone leads us to an elevator, takes us up to the first floor and leads us to the garage. that exit door has me thinking, how the hell is there an exit to the outside in the armory if the room is below ground? Is there some kind of stairway up? Oh well, wont be finding out anytime soon. Once we are in the garage, I let Sarah pick a truck. She picks an old ford pickup and hops in the driver side. I join her and we head out  the garage door, which was already open. "I never wanted to see this dried up-shitty-wasteland ever again. But honestly, it feels more free out here." I say. "I get what you mean. It feels like we aren't being watched out here." I nod my head and look out the window. Now to just get some food. 

I hope we are successful. 

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