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One cold night in January, you're holed up in a chilly hotel with the band Paradis Devils deep in the Marleyan mountains as a full-on blizzard rages outside. The hotel is packed with you, the band, the road crew, and several other guests as you all try and find ways to keep your minds busy and preoccupied as the storm rages on into the dark hours of night.

You find yourself in the hotel's small dimly lit bar, cuddling up to your boyfriend Eren as you, him, and his bandmates all sit huddled together in a circular booth. You all keep close for warmth as you drink beers, share jokes and stories, and laugh at each other's antics. Not too long into your drinking, a dipsy Connie suggests a game of truth or dare, as he always does.

You exchange looks with Eren, laughing with him as he drinks and ties his long brown hair back in its manbun to keep it out of his eyes. Reiner sits on the other side of you as you all chuckle, shrug, and agree.

"Okay... who's up first?" Jean asks and everyone quickly puts their nose up with you being last and getting pointed out loudly.

"Ohhh fine!" you say in exasperation and grin at Floch. "Ok Forster-san, truth or dare..."

Floch grins devilishly. "Dare, and make it a good one for once Woods-san..."

"Hmm..." you say as you look around the room. "Umm... I dare you to run outside in your underwear..."

"Fuck babe!" Eren exclaims, barely able to contain the big proud smirk on his face. "Give it a while before you go straight to stripping..."

"What?" you exclaim as you sip your beer. "I'm always told my dares suck, I'm trying here!" You turn to Floch and grin. "Well, what's it gonna be? A cold chill or finish your beer?"

Floch thinks it through and gets up, stripping fully down to his underwear as everyone eggs him on. He groans in misery as you tell him to run aroud till you can see him from the bar window and he takes off. You grin wickedly when he runs past a moment later before he spins around and runs right back in.

"That was go-go-good," he chatters with a smile as he approaches the table. "I'll have to get back at you for tha-tha-that."

You all keep playing as the drinks flow and the dares get dumber and raunchier. Floch grins when he's completely warm and turns to you. "Okay Miss Woods, truth or dare."

"Mmm, truth," you grin and Floch shakes his head as everyone calls you a chicken. Eren bawks in your ear and nudges you playfully as you shove his face away. "Noooope you're doing a dare for almost giving me frostbite...."

"Fine!" you exclaim as you roll your eyes and cross your arms in defiance. "Dare then! And to hell with all of you!"

"I dare you to make out with Reiner for 30 seconds," Floch smirks wickedly and you raise your eyebrow in instant irritation.

It's no secret within the group, and certainly not to Eren that Reiner had the hots for you, still does to an extent. He has since before you and Eren became an item. But he never acted on it, was always a little too shy to ask you out. And even now, the sincere friendship between you two can get awkward at times. Just a few days ago you two slow danced in a country dance hall together. Reiner secretly pulled you closer to tell you he still liked you. He told you and told you he didn't expect anything from you as everyone watched from a table nearby, Eren included.

Now Reiner exchanges blushes with you before you both opt to grab your drinks and Eren clears his throat. "Go ahead babe, kiss him. You were dared to..."he says, side-eyeing you both.

"That may be, but I'd rather drink," you say flatly, flashing Floch a look.

"Yeah, same here; I've got beer breath," Reiner mutters.

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