Chapter 1:fights

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Foxy is running around the mega pizza plex and the mall fixing problem and accidently causing some since Funtime and glamrock freddy gave out tnt  and potions to everyone and when he finished that vannasai gave him more problems to deal with after each one was finish after everything lolbit texted him to go to the room

 right now his talking with lolbit after everything went by ''Lolbit I said I didn't do anything''Foxy said ''oh you say that but usually when something related to potions goes on its usually you! ''Lolbit yelled at him ''that was the freddys and if your going to yell at me about the potions and ban me from using them then just stop testing them on me like some lab rat or even better how about you just stop making potions''Foxy said back pointing at her ''are you blaming me for all the times you took magic items from my room like the voodo dolls or  the magic staffs I tell you to not touch!''Lolbit said ''i get curious geez but still Panda sometimes finds your magic items and causes problems everyone else like moon  get their hands on potions and magic because you leave them ''Foxy said ''Panda's a kid of course she'll be curious but still your an adult! you should know to leave something''Lolbit said ''And you should know that its stupid to continue to making potions and yell at me when anything wrong happens

''And are we not bringing up how you somtimes go a little magic crazy yourself?''Foxy said crossing his arms ''Are you calling me one of the problems''Lolbit said ''no lolbit am just stressed its been a long day''Foxy said ''and is that my fault''Lolbit said looking mad  ''ugh why do you get like this when we ta-''Foxy said before lolbit interupted him ''Like what how do i act''Lolbit yelled scowling at him ''Like when i'm trying to explain myself and you just think the worse of me''Foxy said rubbing his eyes 

''how do you expect me not to get like this your pointing fingers at me ''Lolbit said ''Yes! Remeber at the old location you used to experement on me all the time ''Foxy said  ''yeah I know but I wanted to know what the potions did any you never complained ''Lolbit said Foxy crossed his arms looking away ''you hurt our friends and somtimes kill them !''Lolbit yelled making foxy look back ''somtimes its an accident''Foxy said ''Accident or not ''Lolbit said Foxy sighs deeply and walks to the door opening it ''And where are you going mister''Lolbit yelled ''I'm going for a walk''Foxy said walking out closing the door ''hey we're not do-''Foxy left before she can say anything

Foxy was walking around the halls ''stupid potions..stupid magic stupid''Foxy said quietly to himself now mad at himself for not handling that situation and just walking out Foxy sat down besides the wall of the hallway looking at his phone  he sees vannasais profile and thinks back to how she said  that problems just follow him around he gets a text from Vannsai saying that there was a problem he had to deal with  foxy rolls his eyes and gets up but then stops ''why do I keep helping....i'm the owner after all and shes security her whole job is to deal with problems''Foxy said thinking sitting back down with his arms hanging by his side he looked at the rooms starting to lolbit's room and ending down the hall to puppet's room ''what...have I been doing i'm not there baby sitters they have a problem they deal with it themselves''Foxy said as foxy's phone was  ringing now ''I don't even need to be their leader heh hah HAHA wow! how dumb I was to help all that time!  ''Foxy said to himself  

he looks at the call button and hang up button he declines the call he gets a text from lolbit before he checked on what she texted he crushed his phone dropping it he looked at the cameras walking over to it climbing up and puts his hand on the camera and then rips it off



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