chapter 6:plan P

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A day has past since the fire started and the mega pizza plex still smells like coconut oil Glamrock chica was  jogging back to her room to avoid meeting foxy again when she got to her room she sighed in relief she walked to her husband Chad ''heyy honey how was your day''Glam chica said Chad nodded and did sign language for ''how about you?'' ''ey its been busy have the kids been good''Glam chica said Chad replyed with a nod Chica nodded back and walked to their room  she opened the door ''Hey kids! am ba-''Chica froze

none of her kids were there and the only thing there is a piece of paper with something written on it Chica ran around the room ''Kids!? where are you kids are we playing hide and seek? Kids''Chica said running around the whole room  looking under the bed and cribs she looked around and  found the paper she picked it up and looked at it it showed ''plan P with a symbol of a fox  and a sentance saying I would look upward if I were you. Have a nice fall ''What the crap!''Chica yelled out looking up thinking its a hint for where her kids are she didn't see anything she ran out the room

 ''Foooxxxy! if you did anything that harmed my kids your dead!''Chica yelled running around the mega pizza plex ''Kids!''Chica yelled looking up running around accidently tripping on some tables ''ow ''Glamrock chica didn't have time to complain she got up and ran looking around ''kids!''Chica yelled running around she hears some movement in the movie theator  Glamrock chica runs through the hall she threw open the doors looking up ''Ki- ''before chica could say anything she fell in a hole and falled.



and falled



.and falled everything was slow she looked up looking around it looked like the floor was destroyed and someone took time digging down 

everything was cold 

but then it got warmer 



and warmer


 she looked down and saw lava at the end


..the floor closes off 

Chica's kids look behind them from their seats looking around thinking they heard something they went over to Foxy's seat tugging on his black sweater ''hm? do you guys need anything''Foxy said the kids pointed to their ears and pointed to the door''oh I didn't hear anything. The movie's speaker is probably a little buggy i'll fix it after the movie. do any of you want anymore popcorn?''Foxy said the kids nodded their head Foxy chuckles ''ok wait here i'll go get some more popcorn''Foxy said getting up walking away to get some more popcorn humming while big hero 6 was playing on the theator Foxy looked at the ground and whispered 

''hopefully you had a nice fall Chica ''Foxy whispered smiling going back to getting popcorn

''plan P review tell Glamrock chica's kids she allowed me to take them the the theator check. leave a note in her room to make her freak out check. lastly kill her ...check. one acheivment i gained is her children's trust''Foxy thought to himself walking down the hall with his arms cross behind his back

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