Ch 2.

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(Y/n) Pov.


I was asleep when I heard shouting from outside our little cottage in the woods. we lived a little way outside of a village near Embar. my mom ran in soon after.

Young (Y/n): Mom what's happening?

From outside I heard a man's voice.

Mans voice: You Heithan's by the order of the Church of Seiros you are too be executed for using forbidden magic out lawed by the goddess herself.

I could hear Dad's voice outside as well.

Dad: We have done no such thing, and my wife and I are devout followers of the Goddess. Never have I or my wife seen anything in the Goddesses teachings that says we can't use this kind of magic.

They continued to ague outside. mom started to talk to me with tears in her eyes.

Mom: Baby I-I'm going to need you to listen to me closely. I'm g-going to n-need you to be brave a-and run into the woods when you hear a l-loud noise.

I could feel myself start to cry as well.

(Y/n): M-Mom what a-are you s-saying.

Mom: Those men outside want to h-harm our family b-because of our knowledge and a-ability's. So, I-I want you to run as f-fast as you can and find a s-safe place. I-I'm so s-sorry baby this is happening to you but please n-never forget d-dad and I love you s-so very much. 

Mans Voice: Enough off this. For the Church.

Dad: Gaaah!!!

Mom kissed me on my forehead then ran out of my room. I opened my window and jumped out i then heard a loud boom.


I ran as fast as I could into the woods, as I was running, I looked back and only to look on in horror as I saw a man in armor standing over the bodies of my parents. While other men stormed into our little home.

Flashback end.

I was shaken from my memories when the man in armor spoke.

Man in armor: The Knights of Seiros are here! we'll stop you and take you down for terrorizing our students.

He sees the fleeing bandits then turns to his men.

Man in armor: After them.

His men start chasing after the bandits.

He then starts running towards us and looks at the kids we just saved.

Man in armor: You students look unharmed. And... WAIT! Is that who I think it is?

He looks at Jeralt.

Jeralt: Ugh... It had to be him.

He the runs up to Jeralt with a big smile on his face.

Alois: Captain Jeralt it really is you. Don't you recognize me? It's me Alois! Your old right-hand man! At least that's how I always thought of myself anyway. It's been about 20 years since you went missing everyone thought you had died. but I always knew you were still alive!

Jeralt looked annoyed.

Jeralt: Goddess above you haven't changed at all! Your still just as loud as you were back then. and drop the captain. I haven't been your captain in years. These days I'm just a wandering mercenary. 

He looks and Byleth and I.

Jeralt: Come on kids we have work to do. Goodbye old friend.

We then start to walk away.

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