Just to introduce a character

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UCM:Ryan no one asks us stuff anymore you need to get people to want to actually want to do stuff*he says as he talks to Ryan who was standing in a dark corner*
Ryan:......fineeeee I'll bring anti out*Ryan snaps his fingers and a shadow hand grabs his shoulder as two eyes open to show the eyes are pure blue neon with no features as some horns grow out the shadows head as a twisted smile runs across the shadows face*
Ryan:He's not really much of a talker but if y'all ask questions or do dares for him I'll see if he's up to it....
Anti:*the shadow zips in front of the camera and starts to reach out the 4th wall trying to grab the reader*
Ryan:*He snaps as the shadow zips back behind Ryan and returns to his normal shadow*

Anti has been unlocked

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