part 6 - celebration

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After seeing Haewon graduate, Lily was proud. Really proud. And to celebrate it, she decided to do a date at a really expensive restaurant. But then she realised, she's broke.

" Fuck... " Lily muttered as she checked her bank balance. It's not too much but not too little at the same time, " If I spend it on the expensive restaurant I'll go broke even if I don't count my rent. "

She sighed, knowing the 'expensive restaurant' option was closed now. Lily could do a little heartwarming and cute picnic at the park or go to an amusement park. The thought of an amusement park sounded amazing, and the fact she lived close to an amusement park was even amazing.

" Amusement park ticket price... " Lily said as she typed it in the search bar. When the results popped out, Lily was shocked, " Woah! Since when did the prices lower? This is so cheap! "

Lily didn't hesitate but buy two tickets for her and Haewon. This was going to be the best date ever in all the years they've been dating. Lily was practically jumping in excitement, not realising that Haewon who was grabbing food from the kitchen could hear her.

" What's so exciting, Koala bear? " Haewon asked from across the room.

" Oooh- HAEWON! " Lily couldn't contain her excitement. So much so that she bought tickets so that she could go right now, " W-WE'RE- WE ARE- "

" Oh god- Calm down Lily, what's wrong? " Haewon walked closer to Lily as she looked at her phone.

" We're going to AN AMUSEMENT PARK! " Lily bounced up the couch and tightly hugged Haewon, nearly suffocating her, " AAAAAAAAAAAAA- "

" Why are you so excited? " Haewon laughed at Lily as she asked.

" My second time to an amusement park?! Oh my gosh! I so excited! " The Aussie released her tight hug from Haewon was she responded.

" Why are we suddenly going to an amusement park anyways? " Haewon questioned.

" To celebrate your graduation of course! "

" Aww, that's so cute and nice of you, Lily. " Haewon hugged Lily, " Are we going now? "



After they both gave their ticket to the staff, they were let in the amusement park. The first thing Haewon saw was an insanely large and tall rollercoaster that looked like it went up to space.

" Amusement park-y, let's go! " Lily quietly chanted, not even noticing the rollercoaster, " Amusement park, amusement park, amusement park~ "

" You're so excited, Baby girl. " Haewon laughed, " Hey, do you wanna go ride that rollercoaster though? " Haewon pointed.

Lily looked at the place Haewon was pointing at, but as soon as she spotted the rollercoaster, all her excitement suddenly disappeared.

" Nope, I am not riding that, Haewon! " Lily said, " That thing is too tall! "

" Pleasee? It's going to be quick and extremely fast. Once you blink, the ride will probably already be over. " Haewon tried convincing Lily.

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