The First Meet

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Shoot, shoot, shoot. I'm almost late for work. I run-walked to speed up a bit, and I can't run because I'm holding a coffee!! I shouldn't have bro– Shit! I bumped into someone! And the worst thing is I spilled my coffee on her stunning dress!! Shit!

"Oh my god! What the- You! Watch where you're going! You ruined my freaking expensive dress!!"

"I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to spill-"

"Oh gosh, that's the typical reason when you bump into someone. What can sorry do to fix this dress?" Right, she has a point, but I need to go right now.

"I- I can buy you another one if you want?" God, no, please.

"Then? Let's go, I'm late with my business because of this." We headed to the clothes shop, and I was watching her pick her desired dress. I noticed she is gorgeous. Also, she has good posture, smells good, and looks clean. I think she is a model, no doubt. I came back to my senses as I realized she's coming to me. "Here, buy me this." I nodded as a response and brought it to the counter and paid. She wore it after. Woah, she looks even more stunning now.

"You look great," I said.

"I always do— thanks for this, adios!" She left with a playful laugh, and I'm here standing, looking at her leave, then back to reality. AHHHH, I'M SO LATE! I quickly went to work.

"Hey there Kev!"

"You finally arrived, Elizabeth."

"I'm so sorry, something urgent happened, and I couldn't text you."

"Nah, it's fine. So let's go and start recording." I nodded. After recording, almost 7 hours! Finally done! I can finally go home and rest! My throat hurts. I almost went out the door when Kevin called me. "Hey, Elizabeth." I faced him and went near him.

"Yes, Kev? Do we need to record another song?"

"No, no, no. Instead, I want you to attend a party, not with me, but be there." What in the world, he knows I hate parties. "I know you hate parties, but this is a different one, this is life-changing."

"Of course, alcohol can change your life."

"No, not that one. This party is from Great Maxine."

"Great Maxine?? You mean the greatest Maxine James??!!"

"Yes, you're right. So, do you want to go?"

"I- I'll still think about it."

"Here's the invitation if you want to go." He then handed me this elegant invitation. This is amazing! "See you tonight, Elizabeth." I just smiled as a response. I went home and lay down on my bed, thinking if I should go. I'm kinda shy. I mean, Great Maxine will invite people who are also famous like her and on her same level. I thought about it hard and realized that it is my chance for my dream to come true.

I picked clothes to wear for the party. I wanted to wear casual clothes, but it's Great Maxine's party, so I decided to wear a formal white dress. I think this looks kinda great and matched it with heels and a white bag, perfect! I grabbed my keys and drove my car to Maxine's house. "Woah." Her house is huge! Like a palace, no wonder she is really rich. I went inside, and I could already smell the scent of alcohol, shouting people, and they are having fun. I saw Kevin but didn't bother him because I can see that he is really enjoying. Then a man touched my shoulder, which made me really surprised. "Ah!"

"I'm sorry if I scared you, I was just trying to get your attention."

"Oh, and I'm sorry too for shouting."

"I noticed that you walked past me 8 times already and seem not to enjoy the party."

"Oh. . . I'm. . I kinda don't like parties like this, so. . .yeah. I don't enjoy."

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