Part 1

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Kim Taehyung × Jennie Kim
(Male × female )
( No hate )

James(Jennie's friend)

Jimin(Taehyung's friend)

Mr Kim ( Jennie's dad)

Mrs Kim ( Taehyung's Mom )

?? Pov

A strong strome is rushing and I'm destroying it driving my car in full speed like cutting the dark strome from middle. I'm fucking not scared u can understand by it only, I'm not scared of dying bruh what's in life even. The he'll whom I'm talking to no one is here jsut me my fucked up mind this strome and my best model car.

( as the anonymous driver fast thr speed and soon so much wind rush towards her but her being fearless and accelerate her car and crash the strome. Her body was moving back offcource ur playing with nature its not any kid's game and was all focused and pushed the car in accelerator  )

.... she stopped her car
..... she opened her eyes
....... she takes a breath
........ she was alive !!

?? : OwhhhoowwwwW!!!
( she exclaimed in hyper tone like she a crazy psycho. She won against strome )

Her phone rings and she saw caller id not sooner her all exciting face turned into worst ever.

??: tf you called me this late night ?!

James : Watch you words Jen !! I'm ur friend give me some respect u bitch ~

J:  Okey u want me to respect then behave like one okey !! Come to point now why u called this late night?!

James: well a good and bad news for u ~

J: bad news 1st.

James: well u have to deal with a boy to ur entire life and it's forced
(Internal laughing)


James: waoh waoh calm down Miss Jennie Kim.. listen the good 1 also 1st

J: vomit fast!

James: rude bish... okeh so good news u aren't going to marry but ur father is eheh and the woman he's marrying have a handsome son ... awwie I might fall for that man ~

J: stop gaying mf- ! Okey so this is only news ?!

James : oh yes one more thing, ur dad and u are going to see that family tomorrow
Pls give me a pic of that man Plsss~~~

J: fuck u mf dw I'll do that.. that's easy then crashing a strome

James ; wide eyes* u Are WHERE the Hell Right nOw??

J: oh~ I'm um on a Rocky area and yes jsut now I faced and dead causing strome it was super fun ~

James; I really can't handle u

J: nor anyone! Smriks* now bye
Hangup *

Sights* moving back to my home
So yes did I introduced myself nah na dw
I'm jennie kim ik u already know that by my stupid friend. Well I'm thr most dangerous Mafia is my blood line . Well I'm really proud of it. No one beat me no one can really handle me .

I'm the best and I'm proud of it
For being called Woman

I'm the best and I'm proud of it For being called Woman

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( AI pic ... )

Guys I'm making this part shorter, I'll make a bigger next part pls be connected

I wasn't going to write the story now but I saw ur love so I wrote part 1 now here u get to know about our main female Lead Jennie Kim.

Now I'll study a bit I love u all !!

In next part it's really going to breathtaking 😉 u exactly know what I mean and if not then wait for next part ♡

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