On my mind

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(Obsessive/stalker Mattheo) (violent references) (mature language and content)

Mattheos POV

"Fuck" I mumble it louder than intended, if she hears me she'll flip. I check my twisted ankle for any sign of injury but it looks okay so i carry on running slightly behind Y/N.

I really do not understand what goes through her mind running through the forest, she's lucky I'm behind her making sure nobody hurts her, my sweet sweet Y/N. I'll always protect her even if she doesn't know it .

I pull my hood down further and keep a nice distance between us, for months I've been following her routine, a run in the morning just before it gets light, a shower and breakfast where I get the pleasure of sitting across from her beautiful face, potions, herbology  and dark arts is her class schedule. Once again I sit next to her in all classes how lucky I am.

Ever since I laid eyes on her I knew I wanted her, no fuck that, needed her. I tend to have this little thing where I get fixated on things, or in this case one person in particular. And Y/N, she will always be on my mind. So far things between us have been going very well, ever since the Christmas party when we kissed, my god I think my feet lifted from the floor when it happened.

I finally asked her to be my girlfriend a month later, I would've done it much sooner but I didn't want to scare her away, I needed to be tactical just like I'm being now, watching her from a distance, shes lucky I'm behind her she's completely oblivious to her surroundings when she has her earphones in , luckily I'm here to keep her safe even if she doesn't know it.

We make it back to the dorm rooms without her noticing a thing, and so I run and grab a shower before I head over to her room.

I'm almost sweating with impatience as I speed walk myself to her door, I'm dying to touch her, feel her skin on mine smell her scent, just have her next to me, I practically kick her door down once I get there.

"Hey handsome" I'm instantly smiling as I'm greeted by her beautiful face, her face is red and sweaty and her hair is wet from her shower, absolutely stunning.

"Hey baby, I missed that face of yours" I lean down and kiss her deeply, I feel a wave of calm wash over my body as I finally have her in my arms, that is until I'm hit with a knife in the gut when I see Draco Malfoy laying across her bed reading the blurb of her favourite book so casually.

She feels me tense up and looks up at me confused until she puts two and two together.

"Draco came to borrow my potions homework if you're wondering why he's here" I don't process any words she says, was he here while she was showering? Changing?. I feel my hands go into fists, a cigarette is what I need, now I need one now.

"Yes your girlfriend is exceptionally smart and helpful for those who skip potions class " he lays there not even looking at me but seeing straight through me and smiling a little to much at my girl. I still haven't said anything, I need a cigarette.

"Well better get going with that homework then Malfoy" I say it with no tone no emotion, a little creepy really but I cannot process any emotion other than wanting to rip his head off, but I can't do that, not in front of her.

"Yea, I'll get going , thanks again Y/N I'll see you in class darling" he gets up and kisses her on the cheek, cigarette, I need a cigarette. He shuts the door and I'm not satisfied with it at all.

"I'll just be one second baby I forgot my phone in my dorm, pick us a movie to watch ill watch what ever you want" I kiss her again before she has a chance to smile at me with her big doe eyes.

I catch up to the bleach blonde bastard that just kissed my girl and grab his arm firmly and push him against the wall.

"Mattheo what the fu-" I twist his arm before he can finish his sentence.

"Touch her, look at her , think about her and I'll break your twig arm understand?" He doesn't answer so I twist his arm once more.

"Yes, yes okay you fucking psycho I understand" he spits on the floor missing me completely and I let him go.

"She mine Malfoy, don't forget that" and with that I head back to her dorm, I'm sure I'll be hearing from his father at some point but I really couldn't give a fuck, if he wants to play snitch to daddy I reckon mine will be a little more scary than his.

"What did you pick ?" I lay myself next to her and instantly pull her onto me, I need her as close as possible, the idea of anyone else touching me makes me sick, if I could glue her to me I would.

"I picked saw 2, my favourite " she smiles at me and I can't help but kiss her again, her lips are like a drug, my own personal drug.

"Didn't we watch that last week?" Obviously I couldn't care less what we watch, I'll be looking at her the whole time anyway.

"Yes but it's my favourite and you said I can pick whatever I wanted"

"If it's your favourite then hit play baby"

"I love you, did you know that?" I will never, ever get tired of hearing them words come out of her mouth, my whole body feels like it's floating every time she says it.

"I love you, did you know that?" I love her more than she'll ever know, I'll protect her, there are no boundaries I won't cross for her, she's my world, and fuck everyone else if it means they burn for her.

This is a short one hope you enjoyed.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 18 ⏰

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