The Start Of Summer Vacation

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He could remember it vividly. How it felt when his fist collided with the side of the older man's face after a conversation he couldn't even recall. How his knuckles hurt slightly and the gasp that came from the vice principal who had to witness you losing your temper out of nowhere. Everything after that became a blur when he tried to think about it for too long.

Not that it really mattered. In the end, it turned into a whole mess and the next thing Joshua knew, he was standing in front of a judge who had decided that his punishment would be a nice little trip down to the bad kids club, Camp Fullmoon. A stupid name for a stupid camp, in his opinion.

His plans for his summer vacation were staying in and playing video games, maybe hanging out with friends when they were free from whatever they had planned. His parents even played around with the idea of visiting some national landmark or something of the sort. Sadly, that would have to wait.

Joshua didn't have anything against nature per say. He didn't like the bug bites or the heat of the summer, but he did enjoy the smells and sounds. Unfortunately, the only sound he had to keep him company at the moment was the sound of the bus that drove him to the camp.

They had left civilization about two hours or so ago. The only signs of life being the road and the occasional stray house or gas station. He was honestly surpised when a sign for a town up ahead came into his view. Littleton, the cutest little town on this side of the Mississippi. Joshua didn't feel any particular way about it.

The bus had pulled onto a dirt road which would lead to a 20 or so ride that had become slightly bumpy. You could see the dirt being kicked up by the wheels of the bus as it began to approch what looked like fortress gates. In truth it was just the entrance to the camp where the bus parked along with some others. One thing to note was the fact that they weren't yellow but rather white. Repurposed prison busses no doubt.

The bus stopped running and the older bus driver turned in his seat, looking back to where Joshua was sitting near the back since he was the only one onboard. The driver was probably in his early 50's with a balding head covered by a green ball cap that bore the camp's logo. His face reminded Joshua of the cartoon dog Drippy Dog from the old cartoons that he had seen online.

"End of the line, kid." He gruffed out. "Make sure not to leave anything behind."

Joshua didn't pack much to begin with. The camp had sent a list of what he would need; toiletries, comfortable clothing, stuff of the sort, so he only packed one dufflebag. It belonged to his uncle during his time in the service, but it had been Joshua's go-to for trips or vacations. The boy grabbed it and rose to his feet for the first time in about five hours. He tossed the bag over his shoulder and began his way to the front of the bus where the driver sat.

Once he reached him, the driver looked at Joshua with a slight smile.

"It can be intimidating at first, but try and have fun with it." The driver spoke. He then opened the doors and Joshua stepped out, giving a thankful nod in response.

Now standing on the dirt path, Joshua allowed himself to look around as he walked towards the entrance. The camp was smackdab in the middle of the forest. He wouldn't be surpised if there was no cell signal here. He could hear a few voices coming from beyond the entrance and even spotted some of his fellow campers hanging around. However, he noticed that no one was really doing any "camp activities" and were mostly just talking or dozing off.

Another thing Joshua noticed was the clothes they were wearing. Though some of them varied in style, they all wore green shirts with a small camp logo on the front right breast and a pair of tan shorts. Joshua looked down at his own clothes. It was just a simple white t-shirt and some old jeans he scraped together. Was he supposed to bring shorts?

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 16 ⏰

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