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You can see it in her face, the anger

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You can see it in her face, the anger. The way her smile immediately dropped as soon as she saw me. It was like she had some personal vendetta against me, and what it was I did not know.

"Riddle." I went to respond but she turned back to her brother.

"What is he doing here?" She spat as if I wasn't standing right in front of her. I took the opportunity of her making no effort to look at me to analyse her appearance. She looked... different. I couldn't work out if it was in a good or bad way. She had lost weight, that was apparent, but it wasn't like she needed to. And it wasn't just her body, her face was much slimmer now as well. Her hair was slightly lighter, but it was also clear she hadn't been straightening it over the past year as it looked healthier and her curls were much more defined. Her eyes, they used to be so full of colour and now the only signs of life were the fact she'd clearly had no break from crying.  She looked exhausted, this school had aged her. Although there were all these obvious differences about her, I couldn't place what it was that made her an entirely new person. She wasn't Theodore's little sister anymore, she was just... Eleonora.

The sound of Theodore's laughter brought me back to reality, "I had to apparate to get here in time, I'm not the best at apparition yet and father was busy." He shrugged and Nora just groaned while avoiding eye contact with me. I try to speak to her but I'm cut off when the receptionist walks over.

"Miss Noorely is ready in her office for you and your brother, Eleonora, family only." She said the last part to me with a particular attitude and walked away.

"What's her problem?" I scoffed and Nora turned to me with threatening eyes.

"Maybe she can just sense your massive fucking ego." She spat.

"Sense it? Is that part of your dark magic shit that almost set the entire school on fire?" I taunted and she scowled at me before turning back to Theo.

"We need to have a meeting with the headmistress to ensure I'm okay to go home, shouldn't take too long." Theo nodded and Nora turned back to me with a sarcastic smile. "See if you can keep your dick in your pants for longer than ten minutes?" She joked and I smiled back at her just as sarcastically.

"I'll see if I can try, for you." I winked and she rolled her eyes before walking away, dragging Theo with her.

I sat down on one of the chairs in the waiting area. Everything about this school gave me bad vibes, it screamed fake. From the staff, who all clearly hated their jobs, to the posters on the wall that read shit like; "It's okay not to be okay" and "Be kind to your mind". I laughed to myself and focused my attention back to Eleonora. Going back to Hogwarts would be weird for her, considering the fact she hadn't seen any of her friends in a year, and everyone seemed scared of her when she left. When we went back to Hogwarts last September, after summer, everyone was asking the entire friend group about her constantly, about her magic, where she was now, if she got into trouble and so on and so on.  It wasn't until Theo beat up Marcus one day for taking the questions too far that the questions stopped entirely.

When I was 12 and she was 11 I found out about her magic. I was at the Nott Manor and she had gotten into an argument with her dad, resulting in her crying and having an outburst. Theo told me all about his sister's magic after that and I promised not to tell anyone about it. He explained how he didn't have it because his mother hadn't done sacrificial magic for years when she had Theodore. Apparently Theodore's grandparents used to force her to do it as a child so she could become stronger, but once she ran away with Theo's father she could stop. But then not long after Theo had been born, her parents came back and 'apologised' for all they had done, claiming they wanted to know their grandson. It was all a lie, instead they tricked her into performing more sacrificial magic, not knowing that she was pregnant with Eleonora at the time. As a result, Eleonora was born with dark magic in her blood, without ever having to perform sacrificial magic. It's a very rare case, as it's almost impossible to be born with wandless magic, let alone dark magic. Which is why she was so determined to keep it a secret.

I don't know much about what her magic actually consists of, but I'm pretty sure it's basic telekinesis and some other stuff. It's pretty cool, but I would never tell her that.

I've known Eleonora since she was six and Theo and I were seven. Our rivalry, however, only became a thing just before she left for Italy. We had been civil up until that point, with us being in the same friend group and everything, she was just Theodore's little sister. I don't know what I had done to make her hate me before she left, but from her reaction of seeing me pick her up from her school, I imagined that feeling wasn't going anywhere. I had no real reason to hate her, but I'm a firm believer in treating people how you want to be treated. If she wanted to be rivals, I would show her fucking rivals.

While waiting for Theo and Nora, a girl who looks around Nora's age walks over with the luggage she left behind when running over to hug Theodore. We talk for a few minutes and I flirt for the fun of it before Theo and Nora walk back out. Nora smiles and rolls her eyes before turning to the girl next to me.

"Hey, Allie?" she said and the girl I had been talking to turned to her, muttering a small 'Hm?'. "This is Mattheo," Nora started with a sympathetic look before whispering something in her ear. The girl quickly moved away from me and started avoiding eye contact. She said her goodbyes quickly before running away.

"What was that?" I judged and Eleonora just laughed at me.

"That," she started, "is why you don't talk to girls in a school for the mentally ill."

"Well I'm talking to you aren't I?" I smirked and she rolled her eyes at my comments and hit Theo's arm when he laughed.

"Ow! He's the one that said it!" He said as he pointed at me accusingly.

"Oh I know," she said and smiled maliciously, before walking away with a smug look that I recognised, she had done something.

"Oh my god!" Theo said between laughs with wide eyes while pointing at my trousers. I look down and see them on the floor. I immediately pulled them up and ran after her, leaving a laughing Theodore alone.

"What the fuck, Eleonora?!" I yelled.

"Relax," she scoffed. "That was nothing." she brushed it off and looked up at the school sign at the top of the building. I was mad at her, but I couldn't help but let the anger flush away as I admired her beauty. The sun, which was shining directly at her face, brought out the green in her eyes, and for a moment I thought I could see the old Eleonora. The one that was always up for playing pranks on her brother, or the professors. The Eleonora that was so intelligent, she took classes alongside the year above, which Theo and I were in. The Eleonora that could always find the bright side, even when the sun hadn't come out in years.

She wasn't that Eleonora anymore, though. She was different.

"Can we go home now?" She asked and I nodded once Theo had caught up with us, holding out my arm for them to take. They did, and within no time we had aparrated back to the Nott manor.

Nora stumbled forward and stared at the large house in front of her, clearly taking in all the memories it brought her. Reminders of the old Eleonora. She wasn't the old Eleonora anymore, though.

She was just Eleonora.

She was just Eleonora

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 20 ⏰

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