Chapter 1

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Staring at the ceiling was never more boring than now. But I would rather feel bored than feeling the stabbing pain in my head. But thinking of nice thoughts helps me. Thinking of me at the beach. In the ocean. The salt water sucking me in. And the bright sun and its power to make the best combination with water. A madness combination.And as I was packing my suitcase there was this sound of breaking glass again.Normally that sound would make people jump but for me it's like love and hate hit each other but even if it didn't hit me it still causes a wound inside of me.

I looked at my phone 3:49 p.m. Only 10 minutes until I was out of this jail forever.I left a note for my Producers which many people consider as their parents.But for me they were nothing more than my producers.

Dear Raùl and Monica,
I wont be staying in this horrible house anymore.
I'm off to college for the next 3 years as well as living there.
Love, Bella

Those were my last words for them.I hoped I would never see them again. I hope Valeria would be here soon. But as I know my best friend,
she is still under the shower. For a last time I was walking in my room, looking at all my pictures for the last time, because I had that strange feeling that I would never enter this room again. I teared my eyes away as I heard the message on my phone.

Val: I'll be there in 5.

Me: k xx

As I was about to climb down my window I heard the doorknob squeak and there she was. Not now. Not know. Not know. Those bags under her eyes the bloodshot eyes and the alcohol bottle in her shaky hands. Wow they must really have more bunkers than H!t1er ever had. But not of human. Okay maybe me. But alcohol bottles.
,,Where do you think you're going?" She said with a aggressive voice. ,,I'm leaving and hopefully never coming back to this crappy place again."I shouted back and jumping off the edge of my window.Luckily my room was downstairs so it wasn't high,otherwise I would've broken my bones.I searched for Valeria's car in the parking lot and immediately saw her.Her light blond hair and hazel eyes were mesmerising. She is that ,wow'-girl. Not just because of her beauty, but how shiny her personality is. A sunny side up girl. Anyone could have her but she never had a boyfriend and planned to leaving it like that.,,Heyy girl!"She greated me with a warm hug.,,Hey Val!How are you?"I asked her.

,,Great!Im so happy we are finally going to live together for 3 years!"She said excited like a little kid.Valeria could make me laugh even if my mood was the shittiest.,,Let's go or we are going to be late for the guide."I said laughing.

,,This building is hugeee" She said.I looked up and side to side at the college campus.I was excited too even after I had to leave my house I spent my childhood in. If you even can call it childhood. It made me sad but I brushed it out of my head, because now it's time to live. I breathe in and out and realise that's how freedom feels like. No stress. It will kick in tonight in my bed. In my dreams when realisation really hits me but it doesn't matter. What matters is our apartment. Well also known as a student building. We can't seem to find it. And as expected we couldn't afford an apartment outside the campus. So that leads us to the situation, that we need to share a room with to other female students as we know. There names weren't told us.

I still remember how me and Val snook out on the weekend to do the campus tour, because I knew damn well my parents would have pushed me into the basement if I had even thought about that. On that day I lied to them and told them I would do a job as a lifeguard. For my luck it rained that day. So they thought I went on a party or hung out with a boy.
It was better than them knowing the truth. In addition, it was even much easier to hide the acceptance letter for university. No wonder they never open the door to strangers. They are like moles.

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