Bloody Roses

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❝ Neuvillette is a vampire with a refined palate, no blood has ever quenched his thirst. At least, until he accidentally tasted Furina's. But vampires don't drink from vampires, do they? ❞


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I. Prologue.

The portraits in the corridor lit up intermittently. Amidst the constant sound of raindrops, the roar of lightning interrupted. His footsteps on the carpet were firm and swift.

In them could be seen a couple through the ages. The clothes changed, as did the style of the artists. Neuvillette ran his gloved hand over one of his beloved's faces without touching the canvas. His violet, gentle gaze had an affectionate and nostalgic glow. There was something that did not change, for their unwavering love for each other was consistently reflected. His heart was pounding, almost suffocating in his chest, added his eager lungs.

He needed blood. Now . As soon as possible.

But not just any blood.

He could consider himself a sommelier – a taster of them. Neuvillette hunted humans for many years and... They all tasted the same to him. Insipid, metallic and graceless. Such creatures were always beyond his understanding in many areas. Drinking from them was to be expected – Mere survival. Vampires didn't feed on vampires.

So he thought until he met Furina . Well, Focalors back then.

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II. First encounter.

Neuvillette's memories before becoming a vampire were fuzzy. Looking back, they increasingly evaporated from his mind. In it, he could only find moments with Furina – ones beyond the paintings throughout the length and breadth of their palace.

The day their paths crossed was similar to the one he found himself in today. His wife had shorter hair then. Nor was she his spouse yet.

The newly crowned Queen of the vampires was drawing a truce between them and the humans. Expectedly, he caught her attention – Even more when he was soaked from fearlessly stepping into a fountain. The cool night breeze blew against his skin, but it caused him no reaction.

"Her Majesty Focalors."

He bowed to her immediately, briefly. Respect awaited the queen despite her meager reign. She was still earning a reputation... Of the two of them, she looked the most uneasy.

At least, he thought so before he heard a splash beside him, accompanied by a chuckle. Drops splashed him, causing him to close his eyes. Before he could turn around, he felt arms around his neck. Focalors was resting her head next to his. He turned slightly and saw she was up on one of the taps, now sealed by her powers. For some reason, Neuvillette felt his flush.

"I admit, getting into fountains is fun, ahem." She cleared her throat as if psyching herself up to get serious. "It has come to my attention that you continue to feed on humans despite my new laws, not yet implemented... " She muttered that last. "And, as I cannot hereby judge you yet , I propose something... You! You are the strongest vampire in the realm – so you should work for me! It'd be the way of redeeming yourself."

He wondered where her initial confidence had gone when she abruptly pulled away from him. Perhaps she had only been leaning on him for balance. Her hands were on her waist, but she smiled widely (and nervously). The water continued to fall around her, emphasising that she was the ruler of the aquatic vampires.

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