Ch 47: State Arlong

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"That's Arlong!? B-but he's huge!" Usopp gasps at the size of the fish men that were much more intimidating than the last one he faced.

"I bet that what all the girl probably tell him." I let slip, scanning over the gill men. I was happy to see that Genzo was alive, severely scarred but alive.

Usopp did not appreciate my joke, "Lexie you pervert! Zoro was right you aren't a proper young lady. You lair."

"Okay pot calling the kettle black much Usopp." I rose a brow at the teen. "Also, weren't you the one who left my injured boyfriend with the enemy?"

"Aren't you the one who abandoned us first!"

"Not abandonment, when you're in no danger."

"He's injured! How is that not being in danger and with the enemy too!" He spoke as if I was a heartless person.

I rolled my eyes at him, "Usopp lets be real it's Zoro I'm pretty sure the people who have him are the ones in more danger."

Usopp blinks, calming down to agree with my reasoning because we both knew Zoro could handle himself. Hell, he's probably tortured the fish men and is now seated on their throne in the park surrounded by their defeated bodies.

"What are they talking about and where's Nami?" Usopp asks.

"She's probably at the park still, but Arlong is here for his monthly tribute." Noijiko explains. "We give them money every month to not pillage our homes and slaughter us but if even one person can't pay we'll be crushed like Gosa was."
"That's terrible! A whole town just 'cause of one person!"

"That's Arlong's policy. Humans are dirt to them. They think nothing of killing us."

Hearing this reminds me of the history lessons that glasses bastard taught me about how the fish men were hated by the humans, so I see how an attitude like Arlong's could arise. He also told me how even a hated race like the fish men will loath demon kind despite both being seen as monsters to humans. Somehow Fujimoto's talks always had to full circle back to some terrible my existence was.

"You got it inferior humans! Don't think, just make us money. Mountains of money." Arlong's greedy mouth commands, "Your tributes will be the foundation of the Arlong Empire which will rule the East Blue!"

"What the fuck is up with these villains revealing their plans so easily." I complain, "No element of surprise."

"Lexie be serious! They're planning to turn the whole East Blue into a Fish-Mania!" Usopp panics, weakly gripping my shoulders. He turns his head to see if Noijiko was affected by the declarations, to which she wasn't.

"All we can do is endure in silence for now..."

Enduring in silence and not getting involved was about to end really fast seeing the sudden commotion of Arlong holding Genzo up by his collar with blood sliding down his temple. Apparently, it had something to do with their being a possession of weapons that spelt out rebellious behavior for the future to Arlong.
"He's going to kill him over a weapon!"

"Those swine!" Noijiko says, finally losing her cool as she run out of our hiding spot to confront Arlong.

This worried Usopp who nagged me, "Lexie! She's your friend right? We have to help her."

"Cool it Pinocchio." I said, pushing his nose inwards and away from me. "I'll help but we have to be smart and QUITE about this."

"What-" He chocks at my speed to get us onto the roof top without being seen.

"We're going to play a game Usopp. Let's see who's a faster shot."


Genzo was a beaten mess on the ground but he still refused to have his villagers get involved in fear that Arlong would hurt them too. Arlong, however, was not done with the old man and wished to make an example out of him with a killing blow but it was stopped by Arlong being hit with a blue explosive; shot by Usopp but lite up by Lexie.

Arlong's and everyone else's attention focused on the loud boasting laughter coming from Usopp on the roof with Lexie, who was smart enough to hide her feature with a white fox mask that Noijiko had given her before leaving the house. She said it was suppose to be a gift from Nami when they were children that Nami was going to give her but then Lexie had vanished leaving the mask to be forgotten until now.

"I am Captain Usopp! Some call me Usopp the demon king! Kings even tremble at the name! Flee now and live! I have 8,000 hardened killers behind me!" Usopp shouts, covered in sweat to which Lexie had to give it to him. He had balls for even standing there with an obvious lie.

Lexie knew the mask was a right choice because not even the goggles on Usopp face could keep the fish men from recognizing as one called him out on being a ran away that they saw earlier.

"They're not running...Lexie why aren't they running?" Usopp nervously asks the silent girl who was clearly embarrassed for and by him at this point.

"He's just a human, but that girl it's her blue smoke that killed one of my men." Arlong growls, "A puny worthless human and a lowly flame creature dares to attack me and kill my men!!"

"This isn't good." Lexie mumbles, and it wasn't as the roof started shaking making them realized that Arlong was lifting the whole building under them.

Lexie quickly picks Usopp up bridal style as he clings to her chanting his usual phase of dying as she jumps from roof to roof leading Arlong away from the villagers before he destroys anything else towards the edge of it where the trees and sea cliffs lay.

She sets Usopp back on his feet as he run with he trailing him through the trees but he was on his own when the trees turned to fields and Lexie watched him snake among the weeds. She was slightly worried about the boy but she knew he was smart and she applaud him on pretending to be a tree but as always it was replaced with shame and a little amusement watching him tumbling down the cliff.

Guessing that Usopp would be already be okay, Lexie waited for the few fish men to leave before starting her stroll back towards the village and who knows maybe she'll find a monkey, a gay, a gentleman, and a swordsman along the way.

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lexie's Mask:

------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Lexie's Mask:

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