☕️~The Cafe~☕️

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You were finally meeting some people from the other school, A.K.A. Layla's friends. You all stood in front of a cafe in town, one you knew that Thoma worked at. You hoped that he wasn't at work right now. 

Scaramouche, who Layla called 'Scara', had a bad attitude and wore a deep blue hoody over his head. Collie seemed to be really nerdy about plants and experiments, like Tighnari. You thought she should be in your school by the way she talked. Nilou was a calm red haired girl who was carrying around dance shoes with her. Layla's friends weren't entirely strange, they were pretty friendly.

"So, what are you guys getting?" Layla asked at their table in the cafe to the boys in the booth. 

"I'll be paying for myself if that's what you're aiming for." Scara said flat out. "But I'm getting coffee."

"Same." Alhitham and Kaveh said about at the same time. Nilou let out a quiet laugh at them and you joined in with her. Kaveh shot a glare at you two and you both straightened up. 

"I'll have Bobba tea." Layla said. "I need it."

"I'd think you'd be needing a coffee?" You joked. " I'm having mint tea."

"I'm just getting a slice of pumpkin pie." Nilou answered quickly and softly. When the waiter came over, your got all red when he instantly recognized you. 

"I can take your orders...Y/n! Long time no see! How long has it been? You haven't changed very much. Say where's Thoma, he never came to work?" Kazuha said as he smiled. He had his notepad out ready to take all your orders. You two had been in the same class till fifth grade when you then went to the school you go to now. 

"He decided to take off work today, I guess. He might just have a lot of homework or a big project." You said, then mumbled. "Or a girlfriend." Kazuha didn't hear that last part. He took all your orders and returned with them all too. You all talked about random things. From drinks, to fashion, to school subjects, you never really talked to kids from the other school. It was an interesting conversation about what they had so much more different than you guys. 

When you were all drinking, and you offered to go throw away the girls' stuff and Alhitham took the guys'. You both walked over and threw their stuff away. You couldn't help but glance at him. But once you looked up, you caught him gazing down at you. You instantly snapped your eyes back in front of you. 

Why was he looking down at you? Your mind spun rapidly and your heart raced a little. Jeez, this guy was going to give you a heart attack. You all decided you were going to leave, when just then Childe came in with his little brother by his side. 

They went to the counter and ordered, and when his brother said what he wanted, Childe smiled sweetly. Not like the evil smile he always did to you but a kind and caring smile. It made you think that he was only being a brat because of the people who would give him a bad reputation if he didn't. 

You all left the cafe and were walking to your homes. You took a different path than the rest of them, but Alhaitham offered to walk you home so nothing bad happened. Especially when Dottore was coming after you. As you walked you tried to speak small talk with him, even if it wasn't your favorite. 

"So, how was your day?" You asked.

"Fine. Your's?" He asked as he looked down at you next to him.

"Same. Do you like reading books?" You had to ask since you've always seen him with a book.

"Yeah. I see you like to read hard math books. I'm not going to call you crazy, because I read them too." He smiled a little bit. To be honest his smile was really weird since he always look cold and stoic. You guys talked about what you both enjoyed or thought was weird while you walked to your house. When you got to your house, you told him that he could go now. It was getting really late, as the sun was now going down casting a gold along the horizon.

"I only live a block down, there's nothing to worry about. See you, Y/n. You're an interesting  person." He walked down the street as you went into your house. You just talked to Alhaitham, you could feel your heart still beating fast in your chest. *Calm down* You told yourself. 



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