In The Past

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"Go boy!" Julia shouted as she threw the ball to Monika, which Aster chased back and forth.

Monika caught it, "grandma is so unfair," Monika grumbled as she threw it back.

Julia caught it, "sorry Monika, I tried." Then threw it back.

Monika caught it, "I know, but I don't understand why I'm getting punished." Monika looked down to see Aster jumping around. Monika smiled throwing the ball as far as she could behind her. Aster chased after it, barking the whole way.

"I don't know why your complaining, it's just like last year every time you came home from a fight grandma would do the same thing," Julia said as they walked to the back porch.

"Still sometimes I feel like she treats me like a child," Monika complained.

"You're the last."

"What?" Monika asked confused.

"Grandma not going to get anymore grandchildren, it's like when a mother stops having children. She's going to baby the youngest because she's sad that after they grow up she won't have anymore children," Julia explained.

"Oh, but I'm already fourteen I'm not a baby," Monika argued.

"Doesn't matter," Julia said.

Monika went back to school two days later, however things went good as everybody she walked by looked and talked. Things didn't get better when Monika was greeted by Hana and Felisa at her locker.

"Hello," Hana greeted.

"Hey," Monika greeted as Monika shut her locker door to only get a surprised when she saw Felisa with an addition to her face.

"Oh my god!" Monika exclaimed nearly dropping her books, "what happen?"

Felisa softly touched her eye which was swollen and black. "Well you see, after hearing about what happen to you because for those girls. I kinda lost it and broke the girls nose," Felisa explained.

"And she's punched you and gave you a black eye!" Monika assumed.

"No, the next day one of her friends punched me in the eye," Felisa corrected.

"Luckily," Hana added, "a teacher caught them before Felisa could throw a punch. So only the girl got in trouble."

"You couldn't believe how much it took to get Luciana to not go and kill some people when I came home with a black eye," Felisa laughed.

Monika sighed, "Felisa you didn't need to do that."

Felisa was shocked, "but Monika they were-"

"Doesn't matter, it's over with," Monika said.

"Yes," Hana agreed, "and we've all come to the conclusion that you both have angry issues."

Later that day Monika walked into the class she had the violent encounter in a couple of days ago. Monika quickly notice it was impossible to avoid the glares from everybody, mostly from the girls, especially from the one with the bandaged nose. Monika cringed when she saw the girls smirk as Monika took her seat in front of them.

The girls wasted no time as one of them leaned forward, "I really do feel bad for your family." The girls said, Monika didn't budge she just slid her headphones on. The girl continued, "I mean, heard that nazis hated homosexuals. It must be really disgraced how you wear that around that necklace yet your still licking carpet." Every word that came out of her mouth Monika swallowed. She was not going to let them win, but Monika was having trouble. They were insulting her family, calling them nazis. The girl leaning forward more pulling one of headphones off of Monika then letting go, smacking Monika up side the head.

Monika swung around, "my girlfriend may have broken your nose, but I will rip it off."

"Rip my nose off," the girl mocked, "I thought you gassed people."

Monika was more then ready to commit murder when she was distracted.

"What happen to you, did you get another job to match your plastic personality?" Monika turned around to see Amelia.

The girls rolled their eyes, "beat it Jones," the girl hissed.

Amelia pulled the sucker out of her mouth, "now what kind of hero would I be if I did that? Monika doesn't deserve this crap, but you do deserve to be punch a couple more times. I mean if it brings some common sense to your thick, ignorant skulls," Amelia continued. Amelia paused looking down at Monika who held a surprised look on her face. "Hey Monika?"

Monika was pulled out of her shock trance, "huh?"

"Wanna come sit next to me? Maddie's not here today so the desk is open, I'm sure the teacher won't mind." Amelia offered.

Monika shrugged her shoulders, "sure." Amelia helped Monika gather her stuff the walked over to the other side of the room.

"Thanks," Monika said as she sat down, "you prevented me from creating a crime scene."

"No prob," Amelia replied, "Hana was actually the one who told me about why you did that few days ago."

"Oh," Monika muttered, Monika looked up at the board up in the front to see the words World War II written on it. "World war two?"

Amelia looked up, "oh yeah, we started that yesterday. I guess that just gave those girls more reason to pick on you." Monika only sighed in response. Amelia looked over to notice Monika's necklace, "hey nice iron cross," Amelia complemented.

Monika looked down at her chest, "oh thanks."

"Where did you get it?" Amelia asked.

"It was my fathers," Monika responded.

"Aw cool, your pops sounds awesome!" Amelia exclaimed, when it came to military Amelia always got excited.

Monika shrugged her shoulders, "I guess, I wouldn't know."

Amelia immediately picked up, "oh did he?"

"Yeah he did, before I was even born," Monika replied.

"Oh that sucks, but I'm sure he was great if he got that," Amelia pointed out.

"Yeah, I guess you're right," Monika agreed looking down at her iron cross. Suddenly Monika felt something poke her face, Monika looked over to see Amelia holding a sucker out to her.

"Here," Amelia offered, "I hope you like cherry."

"Thanks," Monika accepted as she took the candy.

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