Chapter 1

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"How many times do I tell you not to smoke, darling?" Thalia said, tired of me never listening

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"How many times do I tell you not to smoke, darling?" Thalia said, tired of me never listening. I don’t answer, and head out.

I grab a cigar from my pocket, keeping it in between my lips,and light it up. The guard caught me smoking in the college corridor during class hours and reported it to Thalia when I wouldn't let them call my parents. The university guards have caught me smoking and reported it to her often. Thalia knew about it way before I started getting caught at university; she's seen me smoking on the balcony, foyer and many other places time after time, she tries to stop me but I never listen.

I wear my headphones, blocking out the noises of the world and listening to songs—the one thing that keeps me sane when I'm far from that. I walk wherever my feet lead me. I'm not worried that I'll get lost cuz I've spent a lot of time on the streets, sleeping, walking, and whatnot.

I stop on some random street after walking endlessly for hours and check the time. It's 10.34 p.m. I've been walking for more than 2 hours; I need to get back home before Thalia starts worrying. I hail a cab to get back home. If I take any longer to get home, I will only be worrying Thalia for no reason.

I pay for the cab and go inside. The kitchen's light was still on, so I went in to check if Thalia was still awake. She was sitting on the dining table for two people cuz it was just us two in this home. There was food across her; she sat there staring at the food. She must have been waiting for me.

I sighed, letting her know I was home. "Why are you awake, Abuela?" I question her and sit on the chair. She looks at me with pain etched on her face. "Why are you doing this to yourself, Mí Niñita? Why don't you listen to me? Abuela's only worried about you."

"Abuela, trust me. I know you care. And I listen to everything you say except that one thing, smoking. I smoke cuz it makes me feel better, Abuela. Please don’t worry; I'm fine." I state, sternly.

"Don’t be like this, Mí Niñita. You'll spoil your health." I look at her with a face void of any emotion.
"Abuela! ¿Què te acabo de decir? I'll listen to anything you say, except that. How many times are you gonna try? It's always gonna be the same answer, Abuela. No. please don’t expect anything from me."

( What did I just tell you? )

I stand up and go upstairs to my bedroom without glancing back at Thalia.

Abuela and I aren't related, but she was there for me when no one was. She's the grandmother of my ex-Spanish friend, Madeline Silva. We were really close until things started breaking down and we grew apart. My parents threw me out of their home when I was young. I was living on the streets for many months until one day Thalia found me on the streets, and she recognized me. Madeline and I would never go to any of our parents' homes to hang out; we would always go to Thalia's home, and we got close, so she decided to take me in with her cuz she cared and loved me, and she still does.

I stopped talking to everyone, including myself, since mom and dad threw me out of their home, so everyone thinks I'm mute except Thalia, of course. It's good that they think I'm mute; no one bothers me because, well, I can't speak. I only open my mouth when I need to speak to Thalia; for the rest of the stuff, I use my phone to convey my words.

I shower and lay down on the bed, staring at the ceiling. The room was quiet and dark. As time passed, the dark room filled up with light as the sun rose, and it was time to go to university.

I freshen up and take my bag, going downstairs. I look for Thalia in the kitchen, hall, and her room. Fear starts creeping into my being and many disgusting thoughts.

What if she left because you won't listen to her?

"Ha, you're awake." I flinch when I hear Abuela's voice. Without thinking twice, I wrap my arms around her firmly, not letting her go.

"What's wrong, Niñita?" I pull away and shake my head. "Nothing; I just wanted to hug you." She looks at me, stunned. "You are in your right mind, right, Elana?"

"Of course not." I deadpan and roll my eyes at her. I wasn't in my right mind, but for Abuela, I had to act like I was sane and fine. She chuckles and orders me to sit in the dining room. She makes a sandwich and hands it to me.

"Abuela, I need to go to university early. I'll eat on my way." I make up an excuse like always cuz I didn't want to eat, but today Thalia stopped me. "Niñita, do you really eat or do you throw away the food?"
"Of course I eat it; why would I throw it? I need to  go. Bye, Abuela!" I reply without looking at her, cuz I know she'll see straight through my lie if I were looking at her.

I don't throw the sandwiches away; I feed them to stray dogs or cats; at least they'll get to eat.

I entered the university with a very bad headache, probably cuz I hadn't eaten since yesterday afternoon.
After attending lecture after lecture, I exit the building and go to the back of the university. I need to start being careful where I smoke; I don’t want Thalia to worry again.

I light up my cigar and lean on the wall. I keep it in between my lips and take a long puff. I look to my right when I hear a zippo being flicked open.

Standing beside me was a boy, smoking. He looks at me and smirks.

"So you are Elana? the mute girl?"

Writer's note :
It's hereeee!! Hope you guys like it! Please do tell if there are any mistakes, I'll correct them.

Thoughts on the chapter??

Have a great day!❤✨
Happy reading!

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