Goblet is not Amused

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Something was wrong. Harry could feel it, but he didn't know why. His scar wasn't hurting, so he threw away the idea of Voldemort, for now. The DADA professor had yet to try anything like his predecessor's, but that could happen whenever no matter if Dumbledore trusted him. So what could be wrong? 

Harry got his answer when the Goblet of Fire roared to life after calling out the Champions names. Harry almost let his head fall on the table. One year, he just wanted one year where nothing happened to him or someone he cared about, was that too much to ask? Apparently, the answer is yes. 

The paper that came out of the Goblet was larger than the others and in an envelope with, as far as Harry could tell, a very official looking seal. As Dumbledore reaches out to take a hold of the envelope he is transported to his seat at the Head Table. The man grasped, as did many others. What could possibly be in the envelope that could do that? 

They got their answer as soon as it hit the floor, and a burst of light appeared. The same colors as the Goblets fire is when resting and spitting out a name. No one moved, and it seemed some stopped breathing as well. There in front of them stood a man in a flame-red suit with blue-white hair. He looked regal, but also old. 

Dumbledore went to speak, but the man cut him off. “My name is irrelevant as you do not need to know it. My purpose is not to harm anyone in this castle, but to help.” 

“What might this ‘help’ look like?” Snape drawled, eyebrow raised. The man only grinned, not cowed by the others' attitude in the slightest. Something many students were impressed by. 

“I am the Goblet of Fire in human form, it would be easier to show and communicate with you all like this.” That gets the attention of everyone. “However, what I wish to help with is showing you the future.” 

Snape glared at that, not saying anything. McGonagall winced, knowing that messing with time could be the most dangerous thing one could do. On the other hand, this was a magical object far stronger and far older than she. Dumbledore only stood up, “Now, that won't be necessary. Messing with time is tricky business, not suited for children.” 

All the professors turned to look at him, a look of astonishment. The man, now known as Goblet in Harry's mind, raised an eyebrow. “And yet, you allowed a third year to use a time turned so she could attend every course Hogwarts has to offer. Your hypocrisy is showing.” Goblet grins once again. 

Harry saw Hermione flinch at that statement. He would have stood up for her, had anyone else besides the professors, him and Ron knew about it. But he also knew Goblet had a point. Dumbledore had allowed it. McGonagall may have been the one to give it to her and tell her the warnings and rules, but Dumbledore was the one who got the permission to have one. Yet now he was saying that children should not play with time? Was it even “playing with time” if they weren't the ones doing it? Especially when it is an ancient magical artifact stating it? 

Dumbledore was about to try again when Goblet sent a small wave of blue-white flames towards him, pushing him back down into his seat. “Only two people in this room survive to make it past three years from now.” 

No one spoke, it all went silent. 

“Before anyone continues to the ‘storm’ in the saying ‘calm before the storm’ I will continue.” Goblet takes a breath. “Magic is dying. It has been dying long before the war with Voldemort. It has been dying because people don't know that to have magic you need both light and dark. Without one or the other, magic rebels. It is dying because one man wants only light, and another wants only dark.” 

So many students look up at Dumbledore with a look of betrayal. The Headmaster doesn't know what to say to that, Harry can see it in not only his facial expression but his body language, too. Harry might be dense and a bit slow on the uptake, bit he is pretty adept in that area. Maybe more so with negative leaning emotions than the positive ones, but still. Dumbledore doesn't look too happy. 

“I have come to show you the future of the only bit of magic left, including the two people I mentioned that were left from this castle. Any questions?” 

Hermione had her hand raised, Goblet saw it only because no one else had done the same. He seemed to smile with a small chuckle before telling her to ask. “Who are the two that survive?” 

His smile turns into a huge grin full of teeth. “The two who survive are ones Harry James Potter, and Severus Tobias Snape.” 

Pandemonium ensued at that from all angles and reasonings. 

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