Goblet Tells a Story

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That was until Goblet sent a silencing spell around the room. With the bonus of essentially zipping Dumbledore's mouth shut for the time being. He waited a moment, looking around the room to see everyone staring at him.

"Good. Now that I have your undivided attention, I shall explain." He begins. "The reason these two survive is pure luck in the fact that they realized what was happening. They attempted to stop it at best and slow it down at worst, but were unsuccessful." No one wanted to speak, they were too enraptured with the idea that they were going to die within a few years and that it was because of two men - one of whom they should have been able to trust and count on to protect them.

"They failed due to the two separate sides thinking that it was the others' fault for only wanting one aspect of magic. Therefore, weakening magic more. No one wanted to listen to them. 'Ravings of madmen!' is what some said." At that, Goblet glared at quite a few people in the hall, a few being Dumbledore and a decent amount of Eagles and Lions. To Harry, that meant that Ravenclaw and Gryffindor didn't want to believe them, just like they didn't want to believe anything from whom the Eagles called 'Looney Lovegood.'

"In response to this, they left the Wizarding World, and Britain as a whole." Gasps are heard, but with it came some glares directed at Harry and Professor Snape. As if they weren't the ones trying to help, and getting ignored! Why would they want to stay and help when their help was not wanted? Goblet seems to agree with Harry's thoughts because he continues, "Why stay and help when their help was not wanted? You all wanted to die so bad you ignored the only people able to help." Goblet's statement shuts everyone about to say something nasty to either Harry or Snape up and makes others stop glaring.

"They separate, not knowing where the other is going. Until they end up in Japan, where they meet once again. However, they do not know at that point that it is each other." At that statement by Goblet - Harry needs to find a better name for him - raises his hand slightly. Next to him now stands two images. One with long greying hair, eyes closed, and wearing a traditional green Japanese outfit. The other had black hair, eyes closed, glasses, and was wearing what looked to some as a detective uniform.

"These are Severus Snape," Goblet motions to the older gentleman. "And Harry Potter, " motioning to the detective-looking man. "Now, I need to tell you that one form of magic still exists." Chaos erupts once again. Dumbledore is now fighting against the power holding him down and keeping his mouth shut but is failing. He doesn't like what is being said. Goblet casts the silencing spell once again. "However, you have to be born with it, and it is extremely rare. So rare that only one person in this room has said Ability."

A Ravenclaw jumps up at that, "Who is it?!" Harry is not sure if they want to know because it's something new to learn about or if they're upset in some way that they don't have one.

"Severus Snape is the one who has it," Goblet's statement of this causes Snape's eyes to land on him.

"I do not know of such a thing."

Goblet smiles placatingly, "Of course you wouldn't. Your Ability: All Men Are Equal, is a suppression ability. It allows you to suppress the abilities of people working for/with you. This allows anyone who doesn't have full control over their abilities to learn to do so. Though, we can't leave out that you are already an excellent swordsman." Goblet smirks as Snape twitches to where his wand is holstered, and subsequently, his sword. Goblet can see that Snape's wand is also his sword, but many wouldn't be able to tell such a thing.

Goblet turns away from the man abruptly and continues. "Now, as for Harry Potter. Since a certain someone can't use what I say against him, I will have to apologize to you, Harry." Harry looks up at his face, seeing the sincerity in his eyes. Or, at least, what looks like sincerity. "Harry has never lived with his muggle relatives. He's been passed from orphanage to orphanage for a long while."

Outrage. Whether it be for the fact he had been abandoned so easily by multiple orphanages, because they'd been lied to, or that Harry didn't stay with a family who 'loved' him. Harry almost scoffed at that last one.

"The reason being," Goblet raised his voice to be heard over the chaos, causing people to slowly fall silent to hear the rest of what he had to say. "Is because of his intelligence. He hides it well here but doesn't see a reason to do so elsewhere. Especially when he knows everything he needs to while out there."

Stunned silence. No one expected him to be intelligent, or at least not that intelligent. That also begged the question as to why being intelligent would cause him to be kicked out so often.

"Once he gets to Japan, he has successfully blocked any memories of Hogwarts and anything that could cause him emotional harm. That being said, he remembers every time he was kicked out and what caused it, even if he doesn't wish to."

Harry groans, his head hitting the table. Ron winces beside him, both for what was said and the sound of his head hitting the table. Hermione rubs his back in sympathy, even if it is not much help. "I could do without those, thank you." He mutters.

Goblet looks apologetic, "I apologize."

After a moment of silence, Minerva decides to take the chance and ask a question. "What exactly do you plan on showing us?"

Goblet turns towards her, grinning. It worried her and many others. However, they didn't need to be. "I am going to show you all the Armed Detective Agency. A detective agency founded by these two, and where many have an Ability."

Many gaped at Professor Snape founding an agency with the Boy-Who-Lived. They hated each other! Oh, they are in for a surprise when they see the two in the future.

"We won't simply focus on these two, but everyone in the agency and others who are both friend and foe."

Now, people are interested. They didn't want to say it out loud due to them being dead by that point in time, but they wanted to find out how abilities worked and how the agency was run. 

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 23 ⏰

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