Chapter 30. An arrangement

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You say you love me, but all I know is that you you didn't choose me.

You are at the park with Abi, Arlo, and Hagrid.

"What's going on? How are you feeling, day one of single life?" Abi says, her voice slightly concerned.

"Shitty, I have a headache, and I'm just sad." you sigh pathatically.

Abi takes your hand "Have you talked to the boys? Harry?"

"Niall and Louis have both texted me. Liam and Zayn have called and left two very similar voicemails this morning. "

"And Harry?" Abi ask with a whisper scared you will burst into tears just hearing his name.

"Um, kind of, we talked about the whole Emily thing but nothing has changed."

"Really? What did he say?" Abi ask curious

"Nothing unexpected. Just... apologizing, saying it was a misunderstanding, and he blamed the contract." you roll your eyes.

Abi holds out a pack of cigarettes "I think you need one."

You take one, and she lights it "Thanks."

As you inhale the smoke, you feel momentary relief from the emotional turmoil. The park is quiet, and the gentle breeze rustles the leaves around you. Arlo is playing with Hagrid nearby, oblivious to the adult complexities unfolding.

"What are you going to do?" Abi looks at you hungry for the gossip while being a supportive best friend.

You exhale conflicted "I don't know, Abi. I think i need to think." You inhale from your cigarette again "Now, tell me about this girl I saw you with... who, when, and how do you know her?!"

Abi screams excitingly "OMG. She's amazing!"

You exhale smoke and indulge in her happiness "Is everything just perfect?"

Abi starts talking in a high picth voice excitingly "Yeah! Well, the only thing is she... she is not out..."

You turn and look at her "Oh, but she IS gay, right?" you ask confused.

"Yeah! Or like, I would think so, at least bi or pan. We have done stuff so..."

You smile and tilt your head "Have you talked about it?"

Abi tries to brush it away "No, but it's a minor problem, and we will talk about it."

It worries you, but it's none of your business so you just ignore it for now "Okay. Who is she?"

"I don't know if I should tell you..."


Abi smiles suspiciously.

"Wait, I know her?!"

"Yes, she talks a lot about you."


Abi nods, reaching down in her bag, pulling out a whiskey bottle. She takes a big sip and hands it to you.

You take a sip too "Can you tell me how you met? Your first kiss? How long have you been 'dating'?"

Abi laughs "Alright, alright. We met through mutual friends at a party a few months ago. You know me, I'm not usually one to talk much, but we just clicked. Our first kiss was actually at that party, on the rooftop under the stars. It was so cliché, but it felt perfect."

You smile "That sounds pretty amazing."

"Yeah, it was. We've been hanging out for a while now, getting to know each other. She's smart, funny, and we just enjoy each other's company."

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