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Tommy was in London doing business as always, so Valerie sat in his office most of the day. She was snooping around bored.

Most of the draws were locked unfortunately so she had nothing to do except wait for the phone to ring. She had been waiting on a call since yesterday morning when he had arrived.

When there was a knock at the door, her head shot up.

"Come in!" She called, Lizzie and Poppy strolled in, Lizzie started laughing when she saw Valerie in his place.

"What are you doing in here?" She giggled, putting Tommy's diary down on the desk.

"I was going to look around but now I'm waiting for a phone call." She shrugged as both the girls sat in front of her.

"I thought you got fired?" Poppy looked up at Valerie who pursed her lips.

"I did-" She got interrupted when the phone rang and she beamed at Lizzie.

"First phone call I get to answer." She winked before picking up the phone.

"Hello? Tommy?" Valerie's heart dropped as she glanced at Lizzie in a panic.

"Tommy, did you call? I haven't slept..." The familiar Irish accent asked, causing Valerie's mouth to drop open and stare at Lizzie. Not sure on what to do.

"Hang up the phone!" Lizzie pointed towards the phone angrily but Valerie just waited.

"Tommy, I know you don't want to speak to me. But say something." Grace spoke and Valerie quickly hung up, before holding her head in her hands.

"Val, no it's okay," Lizzie rushed over to Valerie who sobbed in her hands.

"Why is she calling, Lizzie? What is going on?" She croaked but Lizzie just rubbed her back.

"Are you Tommy's girlfriend?" Poppy spoke up, a hint of worry in her voice but Valerie just shook her head.

"I'm his wife." She managed to say before breaking down again and Lizzie holding Valerie in an embrace.

Poppy's eyes softened and she put a hand on Valerie's shoulder.

"I'm so sorry, I didn't know. I was just stressed on my first day." Poppy brushed her thumb on Valerie's shoulder and she just nodded in return.

"I was such a bitch to you, I didn't mean to be." Valerie wiped her tears, feeling embarrassed at her outburst before all girls jumped at the phone ringing again.

"What if it's Grace?" Valerie looked up at Lizzie who just shook her head.

"She wouldn't call again. It'll be Tommy." Valerie's heart ached at the phone continuously ringing, she wanted to answer but another part wanted to ignore it.

"Answer it quickly Valerie, act normal." Poppy nodded to the phone but she just stared at it.

"Valerie if you don't answer he'll get pissed off, you need to act normal." Lizzie bit her lip before quickly picking up the phone and passing it to Valerie.

The whole room was silent when everybody listened to his breathing down the phone.

"Valerie?" Tommy asked but Valerie just looked at the girls, not knowing what to say.

They both nodded their head to get her to speak so Valerie took a deep breath for encouragement and looked at the table.

"Hello Tommy. How have you been?" She tried to act as normal as possible when she spoke, but everybody could hear the crack in her voice.

"What's wrong love? Missing me too much?" He chuckled, although Valerie just grimaced. Before she could think, she slammed the phone down.

"Valerie!" Lizzie laughed at her outburst but Valerie just shook her head.

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