Benoh And The Crow

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A crow perched on a fruit tree's branch
Behind Beulah bakery
The scent of bread, his empty gut
He searched for soft food free
Meanwhile Benoh baked a big batch
Of loaves for sale alone
He thought 'my boss is not yet back
I'll make one for my own'           Benoh borrowed the ingredients
In small amounts, he took
He worked quickly to make the dough
At time, he took a look
The bread pan now in the oven
He opened the window
Then started to clean up the space
Flying in came the crow
He shooed the crow, the oven beeped
The baked loaf was brought out
And kept beside the window sill
"It will cool quick, no doubt"
The crow spotted a brownish treat
The human not in sight
He took a dive and grabbed the loaf
Which followed him in flight
Benoh came back, the tray, empty
He heard caws of delight
He watched the crow tear up his loaf
His finger he did bite

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