Chapter 3

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I couldn't sleep that night.

I kept rethinking everything I did that day.

And why I said yes to fake dating Alex

I eventually drifted off after hours of overthinking.

                                      * * *
Today is Saturday so I get to sleep in!

When I do finally wake up it is 12pm

I decide to get up and take a shower

When I get out of the shower I choose out my outfit for the day

I pick out a light pink Lululemon tank top and black Lululemon shorts

Then I blow dry, put it into a bun with a claw clip, and get on my running shoes

Then I blow dry, put it into a bun with a claw clip, and get on my running shoes

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Then I go down the stairs and try my best to avoid Leo

I run out the front door and head towards the place I always go to on Saturday.

On my way there I pass by Alex's house and start thinking about my choice of fake dating him.

I should probably end it right now before things start to get bad.

I already got a text message from a random number last night saying how if I ever kiss him I won't be able to play soccer again.

Talk about threats.

Who knew if you dated Alex you would get threat messages.

Well now I do, sadly.

We're not even dating, this is all "fake".

And I don't know how to feel about it.

* * *

I get to the cemetery and sit down in front of my parents grave.

I tell them about how my life has been and also about Alex.

I mainly talk to just my mom about Alex and tell her about how my feelings for him are slightly changing.

I don't feel like he's my enemy anymore but we're also just friends.

Or at least I make myself think that.

I know she would be happy to know that we're now getting along and I haven't thought of doing any harm to him in a while.

So that's a win.

Ive only been fake dating Alex for a day now, and I've had 1 threat from an anonymous number.

I thought I would get more to be honest.

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