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Elena and Audrey Lane were sisters, they both shared a passion for dance, although they were interested in different styles, the two were always supporting each other's journey, on one occasion Audrey was selected to be on the Jam Republic team and participate in the program Street Woman Fighter 2 broadcast by Mnt in South Korea.

Two days before starting the recordings of the program, Elena is called by her younger sister, asking for help since Ling, one of her classmates, was broken and would not be able to participate in the competition. The girl did not know what to respond to her sister since the dance genres were totally opposite, I didn't see how a ballet dancer was going to fit in a program where they danced hip hop, afro, funky, among other rhythms, but Audrey had a gift of convincing her older sister that was surprising, and That's how she finds herself riding in a plane seat heading to South Korea.

What sweet Lena didn't know is that on this journey she would find love in the person she least expected and that she would find her safe place.

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