Chapter 1

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Elena Lane was running around her home packing an improvised suitcase, while her father got a plane ticket as soon as possible, since a few hours before he received a call from his younger sister Audrey, Ling had broken a bone so She could not participate in the program that her sister had gone to compete in, the craziest thing about all this is that Elena is a professional in ballet, she tried to find a solution to help her sister without having to get involved, which did not turn out well at all. since Audrey ended up crying and she had to accept without any choice.

"Audrey, you know I love you, but I don't have much experience in these types of contests," she responds to her younger sister in the middle of her speech via phone call.

"Lena, if the team had someone who could travel and get to the competition on time, I wouldn't be putting you in this trouble, no one can arrive before the recordings start," her sister responded between half sobs.

"Okay, don't cry, I'll tell dad that he needs to get me a flight, you owe me a big Audrey Lane," she answers to hang up the call.

Lena was scared, although it is true that she has a little experience in various areas of dance because of her sister, she has not been in competitions in these areas.

After about four hours his father managed to find a flight, the only complication was that he would practically arrive the same day the competition began, he would have to change at the Seoul airport, and arrive directly to the studio, otherwise he would not make it.

Upon arriving at the airport she says goodbye to her parents with a big hug, to enter immigration and get on the plane, she sent a last message to her sister before going to sleep since she was not going to be able to do it during a few hours.

-Lena pov-

God, Audrey owes me a big debt, I don't know how it is that I always end up in the middle of the things that happen to her, I was so nervous that the little I was able to sleep I dreamed that I fell on the floor dancing, and that was not a good omen On the positive side, I really like kdramas, so coming to Korea was one of my most cherished goals.

Without paying much attention to what was around me, lost in my thoughts, I was not realizing that the flight attendant was telling me that we were about to land, and when I felt a movement in my shoulder, I was able to return to reality.

"Miss, put her seat belt on, we're about to land," the stewardess tells me kindly.

"Yes, thank you very much and I'm sorry, I was focused on my thoughts," I told him.

"It usually happens, don't apologize," she answers and then turns around and continues checking the other passengers.

In about fifteen minutes I was getting off the plane and running to one of the bathrooms to change my clothes. While I was doing this I called Audrey to find out who was going to pick me up at the airport.

-Bicho, who will pick me up at the airport? -I asked her while she took some white cargo pants and a crop top of the same color, on top of that I put on a short pink coat.

"He's one of the Mnt staff members, I think his name is Kim Min something," he tells me.

"Do you think or is it... you're incredible," I reply sarcastically.

"Don't worry, there's probably a banner with your name on it, you haven't seen the dramas," she tells me.

-Woah... I won't really say anything, no- I respond the moment I hear the laughter of the other girls, we had seen each other on a quick video call before I took the plane, they were nice.

When I came out of the bathroom, as stupid as Audrey's idea was, there was actually a man with a sign with my name waiting for me, this made me laugh and make a mental note to tell my sister.

The way was a little long, but it helped that the wise English driver, when we stopped at the building, another member of the staff helped me with my suitcases, and showed me where my equipment's hiding place is located, there I left everything and I literally had to run since the girls had already gone down to enter the fighting area.

I really don't know what was going through my head, because as soon as I stopped Kirsten and saw everyone's collective laughter, I looked around, I noticed that the room was full of all the dancers from the other teams, the colors rose in my eyes. cheeks.

-oh! "I'm so sorry," I respond embarrassed.

"Don't worry, we were just entering," Latrice answers.

"This is so funny," Audrey says.

"I don't like you," she replied, sticking out her tongue.

When I look around again I realize that there are many girls who are laughing at how funny my entrance was at this point, then I noticed a girl with two-color hair and who had her team's flag on her head. , I blushed harder since she looked with a masculine aura, I didn't realize that I had hidden behind Audrey until she hugged me and the girl was smiling at me.

Lord, what did I get myself into...

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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