4 - Mazhun

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It was a different dream. This happens sometimes. But it usually manages to circle back to the normal.

It was less of a dream than it was a memory. I was standing in a big room, a sea of people surrounding me on all sides. I was a foot or so away from what appeared to be a dance floor, crowded with more people. Every single one of these people looked like (and I knew to be) high schoolers. They were all jumping and dancing and being rowdy as deafening music engulfed the minimal empty air between them. There were lights, colorful lights, flashing excessively and switching between red and purple and blue. Everyone was dressed in the semi-formal fashion that had been asked of them, girls wearing dresses and heels while boys wore suits and dressy shirts.

"So, you wanna dance?"

Through the music I heard a feminine voice speak. I turned my head to find bright blue eyes, framed by pale blue eyeshadow and black eyeliner. Blonde hair fell in perfect curls around her face, which was filled with various sorts of makeup. Her dress was the same color as her eyeshadow, an icy blue that glittered in the spotlights. Bright red lips smiled at me from that pretty face of hers, expecting an answer for the question she had spoken.

Out of pure instinct I began to yell at myself in my head, screaming and begging myself to walk away, end it there. But high school me was too dazed, too blinded by the moment to hear what was, technically, not there.

I smiled back. "Why not?"

Before we could step onto the crowded dance floor, however, I heard someone call my name through the chaos. I looked around, searching until I found none other than a younger Agnes running towards me. His hair was pulled out of his face in a small bun on the back of his head, and he wore a black blazer with a red shirt underneath, complete with a black tie. There was a small bunch of flowers pinned to his blazer collar as well, with red and white flowers that I thought were roses.

My heart stopped for a second or two before continuing with its normal activities, and I snapped out of my sudden panic. I stopped and turned fully to him, not letting go of the girl next to me's hand. "Oh, hey, Agnes. How are you?"

He didn't answer. "We need to talk." His eyes flickered to the girl. "In private."

"Why not just here?" The girl crossed her arms, raising an eyebrow. Her tone was very obviously ticked.

"I just need to talk to Mazhun a moment, it'll be quick, okay?" Agnes hid it well, but I could tell he wasn't really in approval of being within five feet of the girl, much less talking to her.

"I'll be right back, okay, babe?" I assured her. She huffed, but let me go. I gave her a quick kiss on her forehead.

"Don't be long!" She called after me as Agnes pulled me away from her. I smiled at her before obliging and following Agnes.

Agnes led me to a corner of the large room - it was no quieter, but it was away from all the lights and activity of the dance floor. Finally he turned around and said blatantly,

"We need to talk about Delilah."

I blinked, surprised by this sudden statement. He was never fond of my girlfriend, so I assumed that was what this was about. Immediately I wanted to return to the dance floor. Who was he to judge my choice in lover? "Okay. Why?"

"I'm not just gonna stand around and watch you sink into a puddle you can't get out of." He got straight to the point. "You two need to break up."

"...what?" I laughed a little bit, thought it was more of a breathed chuckle. "No, I'm not breaking up with her. Why would I do that?"

"Mazhun. You may be living in denial, but I can see what's happening." Agnes shakes his head, as if in disappointment. "You're not the same, man. She's blinding you."

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