im bored

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What if heaven isint like people tell us and we'd prefer to be in hell? Like they'd punish us for not living our lifes, whos they? Is it god? The goverment? I know if your reading this you'll stop reading because im like everybody else on tiktok but hear me the fuck out. As a person that scrolls everyday on social media its just not, idk how to say it but theres loose threads. The miami mall? (Bayside mall Miami) honestly wtf, if its fake then why did a shit ton of cops show up?

There was a guy that was a son to one of the cops and he asked what happened and he wasint allowed to tell, (he didin't know they were filming)

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There was a guy that was a son to one of the cops and he asked what happened and he wasint allowed to tell, (he didin't know they were filming)

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 17 ⏰

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