what if loona was a spy for the agents in helluva boss

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Loona had always been a skilled spy, her quick wit and sharp instincts had earned her a spot as the top agent for the organization known as D.H.O.R.K.S. Little did anyone know that behind her sly smile and charming charisma, Loona had been working for the villainous group all along. Betraying her friends and family was an easy task for her, as her loyalty towards D.H.O.R.K.S. was unwavering.

As she carried out another mission for the organization, Loona couldn't help but feel a tinge of guilt wash over her. She had grown to care for her friends and family, especially her former partner from her days at Imp, Millie. But she couldn't let her emotions cloud her judgement, not when there was a greater plan at play.

It was during a mission in the city of Hell, that Loona ran into Millie. They hadn't seen each other in years, but their encounter was far from pleasant. Millie, who was still loyal to Imp, immediately recognized the D.H.O.R.K.S. emblem stitched onto Loona's suit.

'You've turned your back on everything we stood for, Loona,' Millie said, her voice laced with disappointment.

'I'm just doing my job, Millie,' Loona countered, trying to justify her actions.

But deep down, she knew that her justification was nothing but a lie. She had enjoyed the thrill of being a spy for D.H.O.R.K.S., and the power and control they had given her was something she couldn't resist.

As Loona continued working for D.H.O.R.K.S., she couldn't shake off the memories of her past life at Imp. She remembered her ex-girlfriend, Octavia, who had been the love of her life. She had left her behind when she joined D.H.O.R.K.S., and she often wondered what had become of her.

It wasn't long before Octavia crossed Loona's path again. They bumped into each other at a crowded marketplace in the demon city of Hell. Octavia looked just as stunning as Loona remembered, her red hair cascading down her shoulders and her bright green eyes still holding the same spark that had captivated Loona's heart years ago.

'Octavia,' Loona breathed, barely able to contain her emotions.

'Loona,' Octavia replied, her tone cold and distant.

Octavia had every right to be angry with her, Loona thought. She had left her without a single word and now she was working for the enemy.

But much to Loona's surprise, Octavia invited her to her home for dinner. And as they caught up, Loona could feel herself falling for Octavia all over again. She told Octavia about D.H.O.R.K.S.'s plan to take control of the underworld and how they would stop at nothing to achieve their goal.

Octavia was shocked and appalled, she couldn't believe that Loona, the love of her life, had become a traitor to their kind. But as she watched Loona speak with such passion and conviction, Octavia couldn't help but see a glimmer of the girl she had fallen in love with.

A few days later, as Octavia and Loona spent time together with Octavia's two children, their old love rekindled. They couldn't deny the spark that was still there between them, and before they knew it, they were sharing a passionate kiss.

'I never stopped loving you, Octavia,' Loona said, her voice cracking with emotion.

Octavia could see the sincerity in Loona's eyes and she knew she still loved her as well. It was in that moment that Octavia decided to forgive Loona and give their relationship another chance.

But just as they were about to make things official, Octavia found Loona's lifeless body in her room, with the signature mark of Helluva Boss carved onto her skin. Octavia couldn't believe the gruesome sight before her, she couldn't comprehend how someone as sweet and loving as Loona could have met such a brutal end.

Filled with rage and grief, Octavia vowed to avenge Loona's death and put an end to D.H.O.R.K.S. She sought help from her old comrades at Imp and together, they formed a plan to take down the notorious organization.

As they fought their way through the enemy's base, Octavia couldn't help but think about what could have been if Loona had not fallen prey to the darkness within her. She couldn't believe that the woman she loved had been capable of such heinous acts.

But amidst the chaos and destruction, Octavia found resolve in knowing that she had finally put an end to D.H.O.R.K.S. and avenged Loona's death. She returned to her home, heartbroken but with a sense of peace knowing that she had fulfilled Loona's final wish.

As she sat alone in her room, Octavia couldn't help but think about the time they had spent together before Loona's death. She remembered how happy they had been and the promises they had made to each other. And then, Octavia found a small velvet box, hidden behind a picture frame on her dresser.

As she opened it, she found a beautiful diamond ring, with a note attached that read, 'Octavia, will you marry me? -Loona.'

Tears streamed down Octavia's face as she realized that Loona had intended to ask for her hand in marriage before her untimely death. And even though Octavia could never say yes to that question now, she knew that she would always carry a piece of Loona's love in her heart.

With a heavy heart but a renewed determination, Octavia made a promise to herself to always remember Loona and the love they shared. And as she looked up at the stars above, Octavia whispered, 'I will always love you, Loona.'

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